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Texas Elementary School Shooting Victims Fund

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UPDATE: 3/27/2023: We wanted everyone to know that we've JUST launched another fundraiser for the victims and survivors of the shooting at the Covenant school in Nashville, TN where three adults and three 9 year-old children were murdered.

Every share and donation makes a difference. Thank you so much for helping.

UPDATE Sept. 26, 2022: Thank you to everyone who contributed to this GoFundMe for the Uvalde, TX school shooting victims and survivors. We so appreciate your compassion and kindness. Donations came from corporations, from students and teachers across the country, and from caring individuals.

We are now closing the GoFundMe.

We have collected $7,586,258.62 (to date) from both online and offline donations and we are transferring the full amount, every penny collected, to the National Compassion Fund which is administering the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund. 100% -- every penny -- of what we collected will go Directly to the victims.

We have also been helping victims’ families of the deceased, those wounded, injured and those who survived both in the line of fire and present with direct, financial aid. We have also helped those victims/survivors with other needed resources.

We have and will continue to help those who were directly impacted by the mass shooting in Uvalde as our General Victims’ Fund allows.

Thank you for donating, and please always ask questions to make sure that 100% of every dollar you donate goes Directly to victims. You can rest assured that VictimsFirst always will. We put VictimsFirst. Always.

If you have donations that have yet to be donated, you can send to us via Zelle at [E-Mail ausgeblendet] or by check at: 4195 Chino Hills Parkway #593 Chino Hills, CA 91709 (Please designate your donation). We will be accepting Donations only until Oct. 10th.

The National Compassion Fund closes for donations on Oct. 20.

From our mass shooting families who comprise VictimsFirst, a big thank you for all of your generosity. We hope and pray, each time, that we will never have to start another victims' fund again.

UPDATE, Sept. 3, 2022: We still expect some more offline donations to come in the next couple of weeks, but we wanted to share some news: Today, we officially collected over $7.5M (including interest accrued) -- specifically, $7,500,322.33 -- for the victims of Uvalde. 100%, every penny will go directly to the victims.

We are grateful to everyone who donated. This is the kind of financial help many of us never received after mass shootings when generous Americans gave, thinking 100% of their donation was going directly to us. It rarely did, and in some states, it is STILL not happening as donations are held back from families, diverted to other causes and nonprofits, and/or co-mingled with community funds.

We will continue to advocate for mass shooting victims and the establishment of a centralized fund where every penny collected goes Directly to victims as donors intend and victims/survivors need.

Thank you, all.

UPDATE August 18, 2022: We just wanted to give you an update. Thank you to everyone who donated. You are all angels.

We have now collected a total of $7,254,041.52 from this GoFundMe and offline donations. We are expecting a few more offline donations as well.

We will stop collecting on GoFundMe after August 31 and transfer whatever amount we have into the National Compassion Fund for the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund. We will also give everyone a final update on what that amount will be.

The Final Protocol for the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund is expected to be published on the www.nationalcompassionfund.org website tomorrow, August 19.

We thank everyone who has donated. Your generosity has been incredible. Every penny of what we have collected and may continue to collect for the Uvalde Fund will go directly to the centralized fund for victims.

VictimsFirst will continue to provide resources and financial assistance to Uvalde families from our General Victims Fund, which is separate and apart from our Uvalde Victims Fund.

After this GoFundMe collection stops for the Uvalde Victims Fund, we will continue to provide updates on our website: www.victimsfirst.org.

UPDATE: Thank you all for your generous donations. We have now collected a total of 7,016,258.20 from GoFundMe and offline donations. Every penny of what we've collected will go directly to victims.

As families of previous mass shootings who have been re-victimized when nonprofits say they are collecting donations for victims but do not actually give donations directly to victims, our philosophy is very different. We believe in full transparency, honoring donor intent and providing the victims the opportunity to choose for themselves how to spend your generous financial gifts meant for them. We will update you again when we close this GoFundMe and grant the total amount to the National Compassion Fund for direct-to-victim distribution.

Our hearts are breaking for the victims and survivors of the mass shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX where two adults and 19 children were murdered and many others wounded, some critically.
We, VictimsFirst (a network of families of the deceased and survivors from over two decades of previous mass shootings) have started this fund to make sure that 100% of what is collected goes DIRECTLY to the victim base so the victims’ families and those wounded/injured are protected from fraud and exploitation. You can read more about what we do and who we are at www.victimsfirst.org.
We do this because our own families have been re-victimized in the past by non-profits that collect funds for themselves after a mass shooting saying they will “support” the families, which is usually the legal verbiage used when donations do not go directly to victims/survivors themselves.
We vowed this would never happen again, so families of the deceased from Columbine, VaTech, Northern Illinois University, the Aurora theater shooting, the Oak Creek Sikh Temple shooting, and Newtown (Sandy Hook Elementary School) joined together to help establish the National Compassion Fund with the National Center of Victims of Crime. Since then, families from across the nation from other mass shootings including Tucson, Vegas, Alturas, Santa Barbara (Isla Vista), Roseburg, and Orlando Pulse, Boulder and others have endorsed the National Compassion Fund.
We hope The National Compassion Fund will be brought in to handle these funds in Uvalde for the sake of those directly impacted.
The funds collected will go to the families in cash payments with no strings attached, thereby fulfilling the full intent of the donors (you).
Depending on how the City of Uvalde decides to proceed, we will either join forces with them, with the National Compassion Fund, or distribute directly ourselves as long as your generous financial gifts go Directly to the victim base.

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Nuestros corazones están rotos por las víctimas y sobrevivientes del tiroteo masivo en la escuela primaria Robb en Uvalde, TX en donde dos adultos y 19 niños fueron asesinados y muchos otros heridos, algunos de gravedad. 

Nosotros, VictimsFirst (una red de familias de los fallecidos y sobrevivientes de más de dos décadas de tiroteos masivos previos) hemos comenzado este fondo para asegurarnos que el 100% de lo que sea colectado vaya DIRECTAMENTE a las víctimas para que sus familias y esos heridos/lesionados sean protegidos de fraude y explotación. Puede leer más sobre lo que hacemos y quienes somos en www.victimsfirst.org.

Nosotros hacemos esto porque nuestras propias familias han sido re-victimizadas en el pasado por organizaciones sin fines de lucro que recolectan fondos para ellos mismos después de un tiroteo masivo diciendo que van a “apoyar” a las familias, lo que usualmente es el lenguaje legal utilizado cuando las donaciones no van directamente a las víctimas y los sobrevivientes. 

Nosotros prometimos que esto nunca sucedería de nuevo, así que las familias de los fallecidos de Columbine, VaTech, Northern Illinois University, el tiroteo en el cine de Aurora, el tiroteo en Oak Creek Sikh Temple y Newtown (Escuela Primaria Sandy Hook) nos unimos para ayudar a establecer el Fondo Nacional de Compasión o National Compassion Fund en inglés con el Centro Nacional de Víctimas del Crimen. Desde ese entonces, familias de todo el país de otros tiroteos masivos incluyendo Tucson, Vegas, Alturas, Santa Barbara (Isla Vista), Roseburg, Orlando Pulse, Boulder y otras han respaldado el Fondo Nacional de Compasión. 

Nosotros esperamos que el Fondo Nacional de Compasión sea incluido para manejar los fondos en Uvalde por el bien de los que han sido directamente impactados. 

Los fondos recolectados irán a las familias en pagos en efectivo sin compromisos, de este modo cumpliendo con la intención de los donantes (usted). 

Dependiendo de cómo la Ciudad de Uvalde decide proceder, nosotros nos uniremos con ellos, con el Fondo Nacional de Compasión o nosotros los distribuiremos directamente para que sus donaciones financieras generosas vayan directamente a las víctimas. 


  • Jeanene Johnson
    • $1,000
    • 2 yrs
  • John Selbak
    • $1,293
    • 2 yrs
  • trev Celestine
    • $600
    • 2 yrs
  • Stephanie Wong
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Reagan Allen
    • $18,819
    • 2 yrs


Victims First
Uvalde, TX

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