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Much help needed for my Aunt Mary and her family

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Hey Facebook, friends and family ♥️ For those of you who know me, I am sharing this call for help from the bottom of my heart… for those those of you who don’t know me my name is Jenny Wright and I’m raising funds for my aunt Mary Crocker and her family… help is desperately needed. Over the last year, they have faced many hardships. Mary was diagnosed with Inoperable Bladder cancer in May 2022. She went through chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy, and none were effective at her battle against cancer… but she still fought on… Over the last month she has battled multiple infections, been hospitalized at Maine General Medical Center, and while hospitalized they found that she had a brain tumor that was causing her seizures … she was rushed to Maine Medical Center at that time and they were able to operate removing some of the tumor however, not all of it, and since then she has developed aspiration pneumonia, swelling on the left side of her brain, and is currently on life-support in the ICU at Maine Med…My family desperately needs your help… They have been trying to stay in Portland for the last few weeks, are now having to travel back-and-forth to Portland, facing an insurmountable amount of medical expenses, and are financially tapped out. They have have had to take time off from work, unpaid, to be there for their mom..For those of you that know Mary and her family you know that they are the best people you’ll ever meet and would give their shirt off their back for anybody in need… But yet they would never be ones to ask for help… so I am doing it for them… My aunt Mary is honestly one of the best women I have ever known, she’s so kind, loving, and made everybody feel so welcome in her home. Please help if you can and please share… Anything helps and thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Please keep my aunt Mary and her family in your prayers…♥️♥️
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  • Anonyme
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Frank Farrell
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Anonyme
    • $10
    • 1 yr
  • Michele Scott
    • $30
    • 1 yr
  • Corey Arris
    • $200
    • 1 yr
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Jennifer Wright
Winthrop, ME
Holly Temple

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