Muralists for Twin Cities Transformation
On May 26, 2020, a black man named George Floyd was brutally and senselessly murdered by the Minneapolis Police, at the corner of 38th and Chicago in Minneapolis. In that same location, we, a group of artists, came together to paint a mural to commemorate and honor this great man, as well as other people of color who died from police violence. The response to this mural has been SO KIND and SO HEARTENING and we would like to channel this energy into funding PUBLIC ARTS AND ARTS INITIATIVES to uplift our community in this time.
We have chosen some incredible local organizations, that have a focus on the communities that are affected by police violence, that have a focus communities affected by civil unrest and burnt buildings, and also that have a focus on local BIPOC communities (Black Indigenous People Of Color):
--CTUL (Centro de Trabajadores Unidos En Lucha) is a predominantly black and Latinx-run organization that supports low-wage workers from across the Twin Cities to develop leadership and educate one another to build power and lead the struggle for fair wages, better working conditions, basic respect, and a voice in our workplaces. They are currently providing ongoing food shelves to support those affected by recent grocery store closures and COVID-19. More information here: https://ctul.net/about-us/
--BLACK TABLE ARTS is an arts-based organization located in Minnesota. They give access to quality, art based programs that center education, social justice and artistic development to uplift black lives. Their mission is to raise volume in black life through the arts, organize toward livable futures and to see cooperative communities become sustainable through the arts. Programs include 'Black Lines Matter: Public Arts Classroom,' 'The Because Black Life Conference,' and 'The Free Black Table Open Mic.' More information here: http://www.blacktablearts.com/
--LITTLE EARTH RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC is a non-profit that uplifts the American Indian community in the Twin Cities. It is the only American Indian preference public housing community in the United States, and it offers programs in education, leadership, youth development, urban farming, job skills and more. More information can be found here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Littleearth
--LAKE STREET COUNCIL funds small business and non-profits on Lake Street in South Minneapolis. It is currently focusing on rebuilding for those affected by the tragic and unjust death of George Floyd. More information can be found here: https://www.lakestreetcouncil.org/rebuilding-lake-street
--CLUES - COMUNIDADES LATINAS UNIDAS EN SERVICIO is a Latinx Twin Cities non-profit that offers programs and services connect individuals and families to resources, skills, institutions, and systems and create an environment for people to be engaged and empowered. (Four of the artists who participated in this mural have participated in CLUES programming!!!) More information can be found here: http://www.clues.org/wp_english/about-clues/
*We intend to distribute funds equally between these organizations. We will ask the organizations to accept the money specifically to commission artists to create art that uplifts and rebuilds our communities in the neighborhoods where they operate during these difficult times. We will also ask the organizations to focus commissions for BIPOC artists. If any of the organizations is not able to do this, and declines the donation, we will split that remaining money amongst the other organizations equally.*
Art has great power to change our physical landscapes, but funding is needed to transform our society and correct inequities. As artists, we act to encourage you to do the same.
Thank you so much for your support,
Xena Goldman, Cadex Herrera and Greta McLain
(Contributing artists: Pablo Hernandez, Niko Alexander, Maria Javier and Rachel Breen)