Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Murdered Son

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My son, Michael Rackard, was shot in the back and killed over a stupid argument with his roommate at the young age of 34 years. Michael was a bright young man with many great qualities. Loved his momma with all his heart.   Michael died February 2nd after a week long fight for his life and a amputation of his leg. His liver damage was to extreme and I was forced to take him off his ventilation system. Michael's killer is on the run from police.  A coward hiding in the shadows. I'm sorry to have to ask for help, however I must. Funeral and medical bills are overwhelming.   I am a disabled single woman on a limited income and all alone in this. Desperate, please assist. Thank you very much for your generosity . Love Always, Michael and Momma. #BLM. Police have made a arrest. Roommate turned himself in Feb 06

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Freddie Currington
Clearwater, FL
Randall Smith

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