Murillo Family - Hurricane Recovery
In the beginning of February much of the Murillo family lost their jobs at a Seafood processing plant due to COVID. On October 27, 2020 the city of Puerto Cabezas (Bilwi) was hit by Hurricane Eta, a category 4 Hurricane. Two weeks later on November 10, 2020 they were hit again by Hurricane Iota, a category 5 Hurricane. During this time, all four homes of the Murillo family were destroyed. In addition to their homes being destroyed, they wait in line for water (rain water) for hours at a time. This water is used for meals, to shower and to clean what they do have. They are provided rice and beans for two meals a day. We have been provided a list of food that they are in need of and do not currently have access to:
Canned food
Canned meat
baking powder
The closest medical care to them (due to the hospital being shut down) is an hour by plane. There is a shelter available which is primarily for children to stay. The shelters do not have food or blankets available either. We are asking for help for the Murillo family to have the necessary food and building supplies to rebuild their lives.