Murrumbateman Lions - Water Tank Artwork Project
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Murrumbateman Lions Club has committed to a new project: a major artwork on the new large concrete water tank within the Murrumbateman Bush Cemetery precinct.
The beautification of the cemetery is a foundation project of the Club which commenced in 1991 and has created a bush garden, a memorial walkway, built a columbarium, erected a wooden perimeter fence and installed seating.
Inspiration for the project was drawn from the now extensive ‘Silo Art‘ trend that has seen the installation of artwork on silos and water tanks in many country towns and villages across Australia.
This will not only add to the beautification of the area, but also provide a new opportunity for tourism in Murrumbateman due to the location in an accessible multi-use public area with walking and cycling pathways that are linked to the existing winery trail.
The project has been developed in collaboration with the Yass Valley Council, Murrumbateman Landcare, Murrumbateman Progress Association, and Southern Tablelands Arts, all of whom have provided in principle support.
This artwork is designed to showcase local endangered flora and fauna for the community and tourists to our area. It includes the Gang Gang Cockatoo and the Golden Sun Moth in a Box Gum Grassy Woodlands setting.
The selected artist is Jimmi Buscombe, an Australian regional artist. Jimmi Buscombe specialises in photo-realistic wildlife art, public art, mural and street art, and has been commissioned by community groups, councils, private clients and organisations, both locally and internationally, to create street art and public art of native flora and fauna.
It is envisaged that the proposed project design will provide an opportunity for facilitating increased community knowledge on endangered flora and fauna in our local area and create a visual educational tool to complement events such as history and conservation talks.
The total cost of the project will be $50,000. To date, the Murrumbateman Lions Club has committed $10,000 to the project and received a $10,000 grant from the Australian Lions Foundation. Additionally, the Club has applied for several State and Federal grants.
We are now asking for donations from our community and local businesses to help make this a reality.
Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter
Sally Bensley
New South, Wales
Lions Club Of Murrumbateman Inc