Muzzio Park Playground Restoration Campaign
Muzzio Park Restoration Campaign
In the late night hours of Monday, July 8, 2019, the Watsonville Police Department responded to a fire at Muzzio Park. The Fire Department arrived to extinguish the fire that was caused by vandals who had placed wooden pallets under the Park’s playground structure and set them on fire. The fire was quickly brought under control and no other Park amenities were affected, however, the playground structure was completely destroyed.
The goal of this project is to increase community health and wellness by (1) replacing the well-used play structure that was destroyed and (2) increasing use and accessibility by expanding the size and footprint of the play area.
Of the 6,607 residents living in walking distance from the park, 36% (2,375) are youth and 30% (1,982) live in poverty with a median household income of $39,207. As neighborhood residents live in high-density apartment and mobile home units, with little to no green space, this park serves as the community’s back yard. The Park site also includes a Police Activities League Martial Arts Center and a non-profit community Art Center (housed in a City facility), both of which draw a large number of youth to the Park on a daily basis.
The footprint of the former playground site is approximately 30’x30’. The Friends of Watsonville Parks and Community Services hopes to raise money to help install a bigger and better playground for the community.
In the late night hours of Monday, July 8, 2019, the Watsonville Police Department responded to a fire at Muzzio Park. The Fire Department arrived to extinguish the fire that was caused by vandals who had placed wooden pallets under the Park’s playground structure and set them on fire. The fire was quickly brought under control and no other Park amenities were affected, however, the playground structure was completely destroyed.
The goal of this project is to increase community health and wellness by (1) replacing the well-used play structure that was destroyed and (2) increasing use and accessibility by expanding the size and footprint of the play area.
Of the 6,607 residents living in walking distance from the park, 36% (2,375) are youth and 30% (1,982) live in poverty with a median household income of $39,207. As neighborhood residents live in high-density apartment and mobile home units, with little to no green space, this park serves as the community’s back yard. The Park site also includes a Police Activities League Martial Arts Center and a non-profit community Art Center (housed in a City facility), both of which draw a large number of youth to the Park on a daily basis.
The footprint of the former playground site is approximately 30’x30’. The Friends of Watsonville Parks and Community Services hopes to raise money to help install a bigger and better playground for the community.
Friends Of Watsonville PCS
Watsonville, CA