Direct Aid to Ukraine - ambulances
Donation protected
Mission eighteen - our fourteenth humanitarian and medical vehicle - is being prepared and will depart very soon.
Mission seventeen - car 13 - a very useful small 4X4 gifted by a lovely donor was delivered safely and is currently working as an evacuation vehicle on the frontline.
Mission sixteen - our twelfth vehicle - delivered a frontline 4x4 to medics in December 2024.
Mission fifteen - complete - the eleventh vehicle delivered to East Ukraine for a medical extraction team.
Mission “lucky” thirteen - complete - and the ninth car delivered to frontline medics in Ukraine.
Mission Twelve complete.
A 4x4 for a doctors team in East Ukraine.
Mission Eleven complete - another 4x4 for a humanitarian charity.
Mission Ten complete - a van full of aid delivered and donated to an amazing humanitarian group in East Ukraine.
Mission Nine was a 4x4 delivered to a doctor working on the frontline.
We have been tirelessly working providing efficient, direct action to support humanitarian projects in Ukraine.
We have worked in Poland, Slovakia and in Ukraine.
With your generous support we deliver vehicles full of aid direct to frontline medics conducting evacuation missions.
So far eleven vehicles have been prepared, loaded, driven and donated.
We have consistently pushed medical equipment and humanitarian aid into Ukraine.
Efficient, cost effective, direct aid.
Please don’t forget Ukraine.
Reinforce success!
Best regards, Simon, Kat, Andy, and John
Simon Ellis