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Im deeply upset and devastated and it's with a very heavy heart I need to tell you all something.
I'm sure this will be very close to all of your hearts as it mine ❤️
We desperately need all your help to help this lovely brave lady that has lost everything
I'd like to start of by telling you a little bit about this lady her name is Molly Yates and she has 2 children and on the 3rd November 2021 she woke up to the devastating news that no mother should ever have to hear that her beloved youngest son Tom had taken his own life at the age of 42
We donated towards Toms funeral and have been supporting Molly emotionally since then.
Molly has an older son Toms brother Shaun, aged 47 who 11 years ago suffered a life changing stroke that left him Needing 24/7 care, doubly in continent with constant seizures that led him to be in and out of hospital and Molly has been his full time carer ever since,Shaun became a child trapped in a man's body.
Molly has also had help of the specialist nurses that Shaun has needed also .
Molly since Tom has died has been moved from West Hull to East Hull to be nearer Shaun but because of Loosing her son Tom and Shaun's highly dependent needs ,Molly has not had time to do anything to the bungalow ,when I visited her just after Christmas I realised that the bungalow is a shell and not a home as she is currently living out of cardboard boxes,the bungalow needs a lick of paint and it has no carpets or curtains.
Molly told me she hasn't got the time to do it at all and also does not have the money as everything she had went to paying Toms funeral.
Basically she has put her children's needs before herself as any of us parents would do,she has also had to push her grief about Tom to the back of her head to protect Shaun who has been continually asking for him and Molly tells Shaun that Tom will be here soon.
Shaun was rushed into hospital 3 weeks ago with pneumonia and very low oxygen they couldn't keep him stable the pneumonia then went into the other lung and he did not respond to the treatment
Molly had been called in to hull royal many times over these weeks as Shaun's condition keeps deteriorating
The consultants had told her to expect the worse and then He seemed to do a u turn and we thought he was on the road to recovery.
Exactly 3 months and 13 days after Tom died,
I have just received a call of Molly to tell me the absolute worst news ... that ...MY BOY...Shaun has died
I have lost my daughter like Molly has lost Tom and the pain is unbearable and truly the one most traumatic thing any human being has to deal with,but to loose both of your only children is beyond my comprehension and I'm lost for words other than to tell you this has affected me and a few other mums who also have lost there children very very deeply
I am heartbroken for Molly and so very worried about her we should never have to bury our children it goes against the law of nature but to bury both her only children in 3 months is unbelievable and what is worse Molly does not have a penny to pay for Shaun's funeral
I'm hoping that this real life tragic event will touch so many of your hearts and you will all help me to raise the money for Molly to be able to give her eldest son the send of he deserves
I’m actually begging you all
We at Mysterious Minds will be donating £300 towards Shaun’s funeral
please help us To pay for Mollys MY Boy Shaun’s funeral
I have a picture of Tom attached who died 3 months and 16 days ago and also a collection of Shaun on his travels when he was fit and able and also a couple of pictures from Dove House where Molly made it lovely and peaceful for her boy
Please help us to help Molly give Shaun the funeral he deserves or even to help turn the bungalow into a home for her,somewhere to retreat too and grief her beautiful boys in some kind of comfort surroundings
Molly has lost everything, she has lost her only 2 children and now her only purpose in life to keep her going who was Shaun (My Boy ) to keep pushing through what I can only describe is earth shattering pain and demented grief,
Shaun gave her a reason to go on,a reason to get up in a morning and keep pushing through
We need to all help if we can
Rip Shaun & Tom may you both be together and look after your mum who loved you both so much and is so very heartbroken without you both
Our deepest Deepest sympathies go out too Molly
Sending you all our love and strength ❤️
Dawn Thompson