ITV Steve. Steve King.
Donation protected
Lets bring him home to his family!
On the 5th January 2021, about 5pm. Only 3 weeks after his 2nd Grandson was born. My Dad rang me and gave me the devastating news that he's got cancer. He was going through all this alone, scared to tell me, as I was pregnant. My Mum made him tell me as she thought I needed to know, as I was well enough to take the news.
My Dad told me he had to take radiotherapy and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer that was a 5cm tumor in his throat, closing his lungs. If he refused he would've been dead within 3 years. My Dad opted for the treatment, as he was told he would need 37 treatments to shrink the tumor and should go on to live a normal life. However, he continued on with 48 treatments, which eventually burnt a hole in his throat, causing tissue to die and spread dead tissue. Despite my Dad telling the hospital numerous times, he's had too much. They kept telling him he needed more treatment?!
In September 2021 he was given the all clear! Hugs and cheers all round. End of treatment! However... By the end of September 2021 Dad started to phlegm alot and complaining of server pain in his throat. Every time he swallowed, tried to eat/drink, even certain words were a struggle.
Eventually he was finally seen by a consultant some time later in 2022. That told us the devastating news, that the tissue inside my Dads throat was dying and spreading and that this will eventually kill him. He had to go for a life or death operation. This operation would also consist of saving his voice or perhaps losing it. Unfortunately on July 7th 2022 this operation had taken place and my Dad sadly had to have his voice box removed, so the surgeons could do a skin graft from the left side of his chest into his throat for new tissue, whilst removing the dead. Unfortunately the voice box was just in the way and wasn't able to be saved.
They told my Dad within 2 months he would be eating and drinking normally again and be on the mend for speech therapy. Whether that be robotically, burp talking or teaching himself from his lungs. Either way he should be talking...
Unfortunately, that's sadly not happend - A year after the operation. Within this year.. He has been OD twice, with thanks to the hospital for prescribing him medication far too strong for his body to handle. (Thankfully came out the other side with no harm/damage done) He has had to be tube fed, which they stopped his food for some unknown reason and he had to resort to tinned soup to feed himself through his feeding tube. He went down to a scary 9 stone, when he's always been a healthy, 14 stone man.
He has fought through thick and thin to be where he is today, he is desperate to be back home in England to be with his family and especially his Grandchildren whom he's lost over 3 years of their life due to these complications that won't leave him.
He's had to stop work, as he's mentally not stable and far too weak to continue.
Please help and bring him back home to his family. ❤️
With the money donated, we can also look into getting a second opinion, if there's anything that can be done. Anything to help with a voice. Anything to help with his hearing aids. Anything to make his life better, anything to try and give him a better way of life. If anyone knows anyone who would have some professional advice. Please can you send me the details so that we can get the ball rolling. Thank you
Another edit.
Steve has been admitted into hospital again, as his throat has now collapsed and he can no longer swallow again. Surgeons are at a loss of what can be done, as he has nothing left from the life or death operation that took his voice. We will keep everyone uptodate. Thank you all again for the generosity we have so far received .
Cassie King