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My Daddy's (Randy Joiner) Funeral Expenses

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6 months ago our lives changed forever. Dad went into the ER for a nose bleed. He lost 3 liters of blood that night. The Dr's found out the artery behind his sinus had ruptured. He was in a coma for 32 days. We didn't know if he would ever come out of it, but he did. After 46 days in the Hospital we were thrilled to get him home. Just one week later he had to go right back. The next few months would be a roller coaster ride of emotions as he was returned to the Hospital 9 times. There were numerous improvements, which were met with drastic declines. His last trip to the hospital we were told there was nothing more they could do. All we could do is make him as comfortable as possible. Now, we are having to come to terms with the fact that our time with him is coming to an end. We have tried our best to prepare emotionally but unfortunately we are not prepared financially. Due to Dads numerous health issues we haven't been able to afford life insurance on him. He has been immobile since his coma and has gotten to where he has no more strength at all.  I have had to take time off work until further notice to help my Mom with his care. I am beyond blessed to have this time with them but it has hurt us financially in a major way. We did have 2 other Go Fund Me accounts but the first one was closed and the money returned because it went past the time frame. The 2nd one wasn't shared very much because we were starting to see improvements and hoping against hope that he would recover. We are asking for any help we can get to help us pay for Daddy's Funeral expenses. Anything is a blessing! My Daddy was a Marine for 4 years, a Game Warden for 10 years and an Okaloosa County Sheriff's Deputy for 38 years. He is also an ambassador for Lifenet. He has always been someone anybody can count on. As long as I can remember, when being out in public, many people would come up to him and thank him for his service. Many he had helped during his time with the OCSO and even many he had arrested. They all said how kind and respectful he was to them no matter the situation. It was amazing to hear that my Daddy changed their life because he was the only cop to treat them with respect. He is one of a kind, a selfless and truly kind and loving man. We ask for anyone that is able to help give, any amount is appreciated. Thank you all so much in advance. Prayers and positive energy is also a huge blessing and so appreciated.

 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others when they are troubled. We will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.



  • Jill Sadler
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Charles Scroggins
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Katie Weeks
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Danny and Debbie Bowden
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Charlie Morris
    • $100
    • 1 yr

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Holly Sylak
Crestview, FL
Eva Joiner

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt