Help my family move before they get evicted.
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Andrea (Salva on twitter and tumblr). I live in the UK but my family lives in Spain. My family consists of my mum (70), my uncle (74) and my grandma (96). We all come from Venezuela and from the age of 10, money has been tight. It comes with living in a dictatorship. We were fortunate enough that we were able to move to Spain. We tried running a shop but unfortunately it had to close during lockdown. I moved to the UK when I couldn't find a job in Spain and had been sending the family a bit of money when I could but cost of living crisis has made that impossible.
About a year ago my grandma fell and broke her femur. It was a very long recovery process and she is still not 100%, but due to the fall and her stay in hospital her dementia grew worse, to the point that my mum has to stay with her 24/7. Her short term memory is practically non-existant. Due to this my mum simply cannot work at all. My uncle has some level of autism and misses social queues, he also has hypertension and diabetes, so he can't take care of my gran or work.

The landlord told my family they were selling the flat so they had to move out. This was about a month ago. We have until September.
We have been trying to find somewhere else to rent but no state agent want to rent to them because they don't have a job. The only solution some state agents see is if we pay them a year's worth of rent as a deposit. This is a lot of money that no one in the family has. We can't buy anything because they ask for a 20% deposite plus taxes. That is about €60000 at minimum. It's an impossible sum to us.
We have tried everything we could think of and we are still looking for flats, but because of my grans and uncle's medical needs we would need to find a place near a hospital, which complicates things. We don't have a car (can't afford it) so we are limited.
Any help at all would be really appreciated. It's been a very stresfull few months and we are a bit out of our wits ends.
The funds will be used to secure a year's deposit for a flat. My mum will get the money into her account so she can prove to the state agents that she has the funds.

Andrea Araujo
Valencia, VC