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Hello, I’m Margie Torres. For those who have been following me, thank you for being here. Below, I share my journey for the last year. For those who are visiting for the first time, please visit my blog if you'd like to read a bit of my history.
When 2023 began, I started to reflect on my life’s path. My familiar ways of earning an income started to unravel from a consistent flow to a trickle. At that time, I was living in Oakland. I resisted for a while, trying to meet all my obligations, spending the little money I had. This led me to let go of my apartment.
There was a part of me that felt I needed to explore the east coast. So, after spending a weekend in Vermont with the Center for World Philosophy and Religion, I decided to explore life in Philadelphia, PA from June-2023 and the following four months. During that time, I attended The Eros Mystery School in Belgium for the first time. Stars aligned where architectural work flowed in and new and long-time friends pitched in to assist me with travel expenses.

I felt so blessed! This was my first trip to Europe. I couldn’t believe I was there. My travels opened my heart completely. I wanted to experience more; this became the time to clarify my Life mission.
Early September, I returned to Philadelphia with the intention of working on my design business, while establishing a home base in the area. I spent my available resources on Airbnb’s. I was contacted by a previous client for a potential residential remodel. Things were beginning to turn around in my business, so I thought — "I am finally creating consistent income in the work that I love to do!"
Yet, the potential project kept being delayed to the point that all my resources tapped out. I found determination to trust in Divine timing. I surrendered to let Life unfold what I needed to know, as I worked on releasing resistance. During these times of adversity, it’s important to stay positive and look for the hidden blessings.
I just need to wait for my project to start. I made a plan to stay at the Amtrak Train Station in City Center, Philly. I would find shelter there for a couple of nights and work at the local library during the day. It could work, but only in theory. I came to find, no one is allowed to stay inside the train station without an active train ticket. Facing my fear, I walked outside. I found a concrete bench in front of the station to nestle for the duration of the night as I whispered a prayer for my Spirit guides to keep me safe.
The majestic Goddess revealed Her Self. I spent the night watching the moon and clouds breathe with each other. They came together and drifted apart with such eloquence. They were Lovers swaying surrounded by the fragrant scent of Stillness. I resonated with their movements; internalized their healing energy. I felt Gaia’s arms around me as the fresh evening air brushed against my face. Diamond shaped stars sparkled against the backdrop of the night’s sky.

The next day, a recent acquaintance offered to help, so I could book another week at an Airbnb. In my heart, I believed my client would make their decision and proceed with their project, so I can regain my footing. In hindsight, I wasn’t plugged into my intuitive center — all signs pointed to “let go of this potential project and client”. I invested my trust in her, at the end, she awarded the project to someone else.
By mid-October, my friend, who lives in Eaton, OH, offered me to stay at her place for a bit. I traveled to the mid-west for the first time in my life. I spent 7 weeks there. I deepened my relationship with my friend, offered support during the passing of her young, beloved cat, turned another year older, and continued clarifying my Life mission.

Late November, I returned to California to take care of my belongings and prepare them for transport cross country. I landed in San Francisco and stayed at a hostel. My plan was to stay until the end of January to complete a couple of projects, then have enough funds for the long-distance move. Two months turned to three, four as I hopped between San Francisco hostels; meeting a lot of different people with stories of why they landed in San Francisco. Those, who felt like kindred spirits, I experienced bittersweet farewells when we parted.

The Universe gave this opportunity to become an immersive researcher to answer the question -- what is sustainable housing? what is home? what kind of housing will be needed in the future? I became curious of the needs of a nomadic lifestyle and learning about Digital Nomadism (DN).
I am now in my fifth month in California. I have to say, to understand the meaning of home as a nomad is experiencing all its meanings. Learning, there is a big difference between homeless and unhoused. In a sense, unhoused is more aligned with the DN lifestyle, whereas being homeless comes with a myriad of social stigmas and judgements.
This most recent experience gave me clarity that I need to be involved in creating housing for the future. More people, who work 100% remotely, turn to digital nomadism because the high cost of living in countries, like the United States. If one could work remotely, then living in another country, where the cost of living is lower is a viable solution. However, those who cannot work remotely, i.e. essential workers, the housing solutions are more complex in an area where the cost of living is so great. How are we moving to more efficient ways of providing access to shelter for individuals and families? Since we are facing a meta-crisis, what do the new housing solutions look like?
With all these questions, I need to be at the forefront of understanding our humanity. That is why, I am being called to attend several events hosted by the Center of World Philosophy and Religion (CWPR). They are immersed in this conversation of our evolution from homo sapiens to homo amor. Herein lies many answers of how we can build communities for the future. My participation at these events along with my immersive research with housing can provide a solid foundation to foster innovative housing solutions. Here are the events:
The Crossing at Kasteel De Breckt in Holland
April 25th – 28th, 2024*
*The window for The Crossing is really close — I trust if my presence is needed, Angel Donors will reveal themselves through the support of SHE. A flight that leaves on Tuesday will allow me to reach the location in time for the event.
By invitation, The CosmoErotic Humanism Symposium and annual gathering hosted by the Board of CWPR in Vermont,
June 20 – 30, 2024.
The Eros Mystery School at Kasteel De Breckt in Holland
November 13 – 17, 2024.
When people come together in these gathers, we evolve the source code, which is directly related to the evolution of our humanity. We raise our vibrations for the Evolution of Love!
I am still actively pursuing my architectural design work and have been waiting on a project to start, since the beginning of April. Due to the unpredictability of work, I am reaching out for immediate support to cover travel and critical expenses*.
If you are able to help with a contribution, please support this GoFundMe Campaign. If you would like to provide Sponsorship for a specific item or event, please direct message me when you process your contribution. I will be sure to allocate the funds to your desired area. Thank you so much for listening and being here. With Outrageous Love!
Margie Torres
Monthly Contributions are accepted on my Website Sponsorship Page
Travel Expenses:
THE CROSSING April 25 - 28, 2024 — $1,850**
Airfare to The Crossing: $800 by 04/23/24
- Round Trip SFO-AMS
The Crossing Tuition: $500
- Hotel for Wed 4/24: $150
- Hostel: Sun-Tues 4/28 - 5/01: $250
Ground Transportation
- Amsterdam/De Berckt (round trip): $75
- Public Transit: $35
Meals during travel, before and after
- $40 per day x 5 = $200
VERMONT Gathering June 20 - 30, 2024
- Contribution: $350
- Airfare: SFO - Vermont
- Train Fare - Vermont - Philadelphia
- Accommodations: Shared Airbnb
EROS MYSTERY SCHOOL November 13 - 17, 2024
- Tuition: $1050
Airfare to Eros Mystery School
Ground Transportation:
- Amsterdam/De Berckt (round trip): $75
- Before TBD
- After TBD
Meals during travel:
- $40 per day x TBD
Critical Expenses:
Storage Unit for April: $188
Mobile Phone: $40
Support Monthly Costs:
Nutritional Supplements: $50 per month
Meals & Food: $250 per month
Monthly Public Storage: $118 per month
Monthly Public Transportation: $100
Digital Nomad Accommodations: $1000 per month

Margie Torres
Pleasant Hill, CA