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My moms shop Southland Autobody was flooded

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Hi, I am Kayla and my mom Vicky Haye's autoshop Southland Autobody got flooded yesterday in the San Diego flash flood. In the flood, my mom's shop recieved water up to the knees damaging the interior of her shop as well as flooding the shop back as well. While many of the cars were able to be moved prior to the water rising, not all of the cars and shop supplies were able to be moved out in time. As we arrived today, mud covers the entire premise and some of the cars will be totaled in the process. We are still figuring out what damage has been done to tools in the back.

My mom's autoshop would be celebrating its 50th anniversary in April starting with my grandfather opening it and my mother taking it over with the help of my aunt Lori managing front office and family friend Lupe in the back. They have kept it up and running despite blow and blow from rezoning demands, a much lesser flooding in 2017 from a back flow from the canal that sits behind the shop, and through the pandemic. They have helped many of my friends even during my mom's tough times giving part time jobs and fixing their cars for less than the cost of the damage.

While I know many people in San Diego was affected by the flooding, anything and everything will help keep my mom's shop floating rather than sinking. Please share or send to friends, families or even news sources to help. If things don't get fixed, this might be an end to a autoshop that has been a staple in the National City area and to our family.


  • Kelly Rice
    • $50
    • 6 mos
    • $25
    • 8 mos
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 8 mos
  • Irene Harris
    • $500
    • 8 mos
  • Anthony Dvorak
    • $50
    • 8 mos

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kayla Haye
San Diego, CA
Vicky Haye

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