My Movie (pelicula) El Lustrador
Donation protected
Nací en una aldea de 13 casas El Chical, Morazán, Depto. El progreso. A los 8 años me llevaron a la capital en donde para ayudar a la casa estudiaba en la mañana y lustraba zapatos en la tarde. Pedía sobras de comida para llevar a mis hermanos y las veces que no me daban suficiente, otro amigo lustrador y yo buscábamos pedazos de aguacate o papayas en el basurero de la Parroquia zona 6 en donde teníamos que competir con los perros por comida. Llegué a California en 1981 con sexto grado de primaria, indocumentado y sin nadie aquí solo con el corazón lleno de sueños. Trabajé en diferentes trabajos como, jardinero, pintor, lavaplatos, cocinero, limpiador de casas, soldador, ponía papel tapiz en hoteles, abrían zanjas para tuberías de desagüe etc. Empecé a trabajar de jardinero en un museo y me gustó mucho el trabajo que hacían los biólogos y en la noche empecé a ir a la escuela. Ahora, soy biólogo y el gerente del mismo museo en donde fui el jardinero, soy Ornitólogo (rama de biología que estudia aves) y Oologo (rama de biología que estudia huevos de aves). Soy voluntario en mi comunidad en hospitales, casas de recuperación y cárceles para personas con problemas de alcohol y drogas porque también tengo un título de Desordenes en Adicciones. Esto es mi libro, mi vida de sueños que con acción pude alcanzar, sueños que todos podemos si queremos y le ponemos acción. Espero que este libro inspire a alguien a alcanzar sus sueños como yo lo hice y si creen que les está yendo duro que lean mi libro y vean que a mí me fue durísimo y sin embargo nunca claudiqué. Los planes son para comenzar a filmar la pelicula en 2018.
Parte de las ganancias de la pelicula seran destinadas a mi Fundacion El Lustrador www.ellustradorfoundation.org para proporcionar becas de estudio a niños y jovenes de bajos recursos en Guatemala.
René Corado was born in Guatemala and lives in California, United States since 1981.
He is a biologist and is the Collections Manager of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, the Museum with the largest collection of eggs and nests of birds of the world, with more than one million eggs and more than twenty thousand nests.
Since late 1980’s he conducted research projects in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador, as well as in Costa Rica and California, in 2001, started a project of reproduction and distribution of birds in Guatemala, on the present visit this country twice a year to conduct his research.
I was born in a village of 13 houses El Chicał, Morazán, Dept. El Progreso. When I was 8 years old my family moved me to the capital (Guatemala City) in order to help bring food to the house I went to school in the morning and worked as shoeshine boy in the afternoon. I asked for food scraps to take my siblings and the times that I did not get enough, I had to look for food for myself in trash where I had to compete with the dogs. I came to California in 1981 with only sixth grade of schooling, undocumented and with no one here, just with a heart full of dreams. I worked in different jobs as, gardener, painter, dishwasher, cook, house cleaner, welder, put wallpaper in hotels, opened trenches for drains etc. I started to work as a gardener in a Museum and I really liked the work conducted by biologists and at night I started to go to school. Now, I am a biologist and the Collections Manager of the Museum where I was the gardener, I'm ornithologist (branch of biology that studies birds) and Oologist (branch of biology that studies birds eggs). I volunteer in my community in hospitals, recovery houses and jails for people with alcohol and drug problems because I also have a degree of Addictions Disorders. This is my movie, my life’s dreams that I could achieve, dreams that all we can achieve if we want to and we put action. I hope that this movie will inspire someone to achieve their dreams like I did and if you believe that your life is too hard, see my movie and see how hard I worked, started from zero, never gave up and at the end I achieve my dreams. It is a story of hope. I am planning to start filming the movie in 2018. Part of the money collected by the movie will go to scholarships to low income children in Guatemala thru the El Lustrador Foundation www.ellustradorfoundation.org
Parte de las ganancias de la pelicula seran destinadas a mi Fundacion El Lustrador www.ellustradorfoundation.org para proporcionar becas de estudio a niños y jovenes de bajos recursos en Guatemala.
René Corado was born in Guatemala and lives in California, United States since 1981.
He is a biologist and is the Collections Manager of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, the Museum with the largest collection of eggs and nests of birds of the world, with more than one million eggs and more than twenty thousand nests.
Since late 1980’s he conducted research projects in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador, as well as in Costa Rica and California, in 2001, started a project of reproduction and distribution of birds in Guatemala, on the present visit this country twice a year to conduct his research.
I was born in a village of 13 houses El Chicał, Morazán, Dept. El Progreso. When I was 8 years old my family moved me to the capital (Guatemala City) in order to help bring food to the house I went to school in the morning and worked as shoeshine boy in the afternoon. I asked for food scraps to take my siblings and the times that I did not get enough, I had to look for food for myself in trash where I had to compete with the dogs. I came to California in 1981 with only sixth grade of schooling, undocumented and with no one here, just with a heart full of dreams. I worked in different jobs as, gardener, painter, dishwasher, cook, house cleaner, welder, put wallpaper in hotels, opened trenches for drains etc. I started to work as a gardener in a Museum and I really liked the work conducted by biologists and at night I started to go to school. Now, I am a biologist and the Collections Manager of the Museum where I was the gardener, I'm ornithologist (branch of biology that studies birds) and Oologist (branch of biology that studies birds eggs). I volunteer in my community in hospitals, recovery houses and jails for people with alcohol and drug problems because I also have a degree of Addictions Disorders. This is my movie, my life’s dreams that I could achieve, dreams that all we can achieve if we want to and we put action. I hope that this movie will inspire someone to achieve their dreams like I did and if you believe that your life is too hard, see my movie and see how hard I worked, started from zero, never gave up and at the end I achieve my dreams. It is a story of hope. I am planning to start filming the movie in 2018. Part of the money collected by the movie will go to scholarships to low income children in Guatemala thru the El Lustrador Foundation www.ellustradorfoundation.org
René Corado
Oxnard, CA