My parents lost their home in the Salt fire
Hi my name is Mandy. Yesterday afternoon, my parents Ron and Christina’s front door was knocked on by the fire department and they were told they had 30 mins to pack their pets and get out as there had been another wildfire that started that was named the Salt fire. My mom was able to grab their dirty hamper, their 2 cats and their military McCaw and get out.
As of today at around 5pm, my parents lost their home in Lakehead, CA to the Salt Fire. My parents are childhood sweethearts who reunited after almost 30 years apart. They found each other on Facebook, started dating, got married and put their life savings into the home of their dreams last year. My Dad finally retired after being an autobody tech for 55 years. My parents barely started this new life for themselves and have now lost everything. As you can imagine, their entire lives have changed and are upside down in a matter of 28 hours. I’m trying to raise money to help them with this new start and cushion any expenditures that may come up while they are displaced from the home they loved and be there for them the way they have always been for me. Anything helps and thank you from the bottom of my heart.