My son "Patrick Kimmons" home going
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On September 30th, 2018 my son's life was taken, three Portland Police Officers shot and killed my son as he was running away. He was shot more than 15 times in the back as well as his legs. With my son's life being taken my life will never be the same. My Grand children's life will forever be filled with pain from a void that can never be replaced. My son's murder will be justified and the officers more than likely will not be reprimanded. This pain has to stop! I wouldn't wish this reality on anyone. The police hide behind their badge and pledge of service, feeling as though that gives then the right to kill, shooting my son 16 times in the back. My son is not the first, and unfortunately god forbid not the last. With all of the police shootings that force people to remind police as well as the world that black lives matter. When it hit's home I can't even put into words. I don't know how to go on, I don't know how to begin to accept this. It kills me my son did not threaten the life or welfare of any of the 3 officers but was still murdered as he ran away! What happen to getting arrested? What wrong with due process, or the judicial system? As people get desensitized as if a life was not taken, as if my son didn't have kids. As if my son didn't deserve to live. There's nothing that can explain or be justified that my son is dead, or never coming back, never to hug me or tell me, " I love you". Realities such as this make it hard to believe in justice. All I can do is give to God and ask God why? At this time we don't have much to give, If anyone is able, or in a position to help with funeral cost, we do appreciate you, and thank you for your thoughts, concerns and prayers.
Letha Winston
Portland, OR