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Help My Gal Sal Bakery Recover

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Hello everyone

If you havent heard by now or seen on our local TV stations, sadly, our little bakery (only been open for 90 days)  was broken into last Thursday at 4am.

You can see a video from one of the TV Stations here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQR-8IwpXCM&feature=youtu.be

As you can imagine this occurence was a setback and a hardship for us.

Many of you know me personally and know that I am a giver and not a taker and that asking for any help or assistance is not in my DNA.

I am only setting up this account because so many of my friends, clients and customers are insisting to help and now are being very persistent.

I also know that many of you are not in the position to help but I know in my heart will come or continue to come to the bakery to support us.

All funds received will be used towards the repairs and loss.

Thank you for your love and support and for the opportunity to be you Gal.

I love  you all.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Salomae Randall Schroeder
Phoenix, AZ

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