Join Electude in Helping With Helene Recovery Efforts
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Electude's North American team members have been moved to action by the devastation from Hurricane Helene. Most of us have personal connections to affected areas and have been hearing from family and friends about the severity of this storm. And we've all seen the shocking scenes of destruction and lives lost or terribly affected. In order to help meaningfully and rapidly, we have put together a GoFundMe to allow Electude to donate the first $5,000 and for our team members and any Electude colleagues or friends to add their own donations. All donated funds will be sent to the organization AmeriCares Foundation, which we see as trustworthy and focused.
Join us in helping by adding your donation today. Electude is a company that sells products, but it is also a family of people who care about each other and our fellow humans in time of need.
Electude's mission as a company is providing high quality learning solutions to teachers and students in automotive technology programs. Based in the Netherlands, Electude has become a global leader in automotive technology education and is expanding into other technical fields. Our mission is providing highly engaging and interactive tools that support teachers and help students achieve their goals. In North America our teams work throughout the United States and Canada, with our products adopted by over a thousand educational institutions and businesses.
In the United States, Electude staff are part of Electude USA, LLC. In Canada, our team reports to Electude International, BV. If you want to learn more about Electude and the work we do, visit us at
Vernon Anthony
Winthrop, ME
Americares Foundation Inc