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Aid for Iraqi Refugees in Jordan

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Hello everyone, my name is Lilian Gharios. 

During my winter vacation, I went back home to Jordan and met a group of 88 Iraqi Refugees who were forced to leave their homes for religious and political reasons, leaving money, clothes, basic necessities behind and came out to Jordan only with what they were wearing. An NGO got them out of Iraq and placed them into churches halls. With no resources, two Jordanian women heared about them and decided to help them and provide them with basic necessities. The living conditions of these goups is very poor. A week before I came back to school, another group of 48 refugees arrived in Jordan making it a total of 136 refugees in need of food, water and clothing. The two Jordanian women currently working alone to aid those refugees do not have enough resources to continue to help the groups, and so they would really appreciate it if you can donate in order to help the refugees. 

The picture provided shows how cramped the living conditions are and how the refugees are living. With the hard effort of the two Jordanian women, they were able to provide the first group of 88 refugees with clothes depicted in the picture. The second group that arrived however, are still in need of clothings and warmth. 

Each group is estimated to need $2000 a month only for food. We are hoping to get $6000 in order to buy food, medications, necessities and toiletries for the second group as well.
Although the goal seems like a long term goal, any donations you give now will make a difference in the lives of these refugees. 

Thank you and God bless for your donations. 


Lillian Gharios
Brunswick, ME

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