Help Frankie Get Healthy
Donation protected
Hello, friends! I am here on this lovely Caturday morning to provide a long-awaited Frankie update.
It’s hard for me to write about Frankie because she seems so normal — spunky, spirited, confident, curious. Adorable. A joy to have around. The perfect kitten… except maybe not?
Frankie came to me a couple of months ago now, in the middle of October. A neighbor had found the little peanut by herself — maybe abandoned by her mama cat, or maybe dumped by the humans who were supposed to take care of her — we’ll never know for sure.
Frankie’s always been a bit of a mystery: teeny tiny, but with a mouth full of sharp bb teeth — too old to bottle feed, too young to eat kitten food (and not really interested in anything other than milk). Her energy is always high, and yet she has a hard time keeping her food down. Over time she’s started to eat kitten food, but she throws up a little bit most times afterwards. Her bloodwork at the vet was all over the place — high white count, low red count — other values all over the place. We treated her with fluids and antibiotics, but we’re not 100% sure where to go next with her treatment. She will need more advanced diagnostics and weirdly, maybe emergency care, despite her very normal-seeming disposition.
So, for now, Frankie will hang out with me. I don’t know what the next few weeks hold, but I’m committed to getting her the care she needs so we can get to the bottom of things and she can live her best life. And in the meantime, Frankie will stay Frankie. I will stress and worry, but Frankie will just get to be a kitten — exactly the way it should be.
Unsurprisingly I’m sure, I’m starting a fundraiser for Frankie’s care. So far I’ve spent $300 (which is manageable), but that will quickly multiply with each test she’ll need — diagnotics start at $1000 and go up. It’s an expensive time of year for everyone, but if you’ve got even the sparest of change, it would really make a difference.
Thank you!
Nicole Torre
Brooklyn, NY