IVF journey
In 2016, we were so excited to find out we were pregnant. One of my best friends found out the day before she was also pregnant and my other best friend was 2 weeks behind us. We went in for our second ultrasound two days before Christmas, and heard the words, "there's no heartbeat."
Those words started a journey we never expected. We didn't know our journey would include 8 miscarriages. A few months later, we were pregnant again and once again, we heard those same words. This time after the D&C, my OB at the time, didn't remove all the remains of conception. I ended up being in the hospital for 13 days and had to have another D&C. My Dr. removed what he could without causing additional issues and I finally passed the tissue four months later, which resulted in another D&C. During this, the doctor determined that I had a septum in my uterus. I had two more miscarriages before I found a doctor that would remove the septum. I had a septoplasty to remove it. Hopeful that was causing our miscarriages, we tried again. We carried this baby the longest. We heard those horrible words again, "there's no heartbeat." Another D&C. Here comes another pregnancy. This time my sister told me she was pregnant. When she found out how far a long she was, we had the same exact due date. Unfortunately, I heard those words again. We decided to then do chromosome testing to see if that was potentially why we were miscarrying. The results were normal, and I didn't know it would tell you the sex of the baby. The doctor told me it was a girl and I was overwhelmed with tears. My sister went on to have a healthy baby boy that we love like our own. We believe that God put a little bit of our angel in his personality. We got pregnant again and then again found out I was having another miscarriage. We did chromosome testing again and it was normal. This time we were having a boy. I got pregnant again and just afer a few weeks, I miscarried again. In 2 1/2 years, I had 7 miscarriages, 2 hospitalizations, and 9 surgeries. I started seeing a Reproductive Immunologist and they have been wonderful!
It took us over a year to get pregnant, so we started the IVF journey. My husband and I decided we should try IVF even though our insurance does not cover it. We found out 2 days before we were suppose to start IVF, I was pregnant. We thought this was our miracle baby. Heartbreaking, we had another miscarriage.
We tried again for a few months on our own and weren't able to get pregnant. We are doing IVF this month and didn't try again our own. it. We know it won't be a guarantee that if we get pregnant, we won't have another miscarriage. We are trusting God and his plan for us