N95 Mask Cover Project
The community is coming together to support our healthcare workers.
100% of funds raised goes to purchasing materials to make mask covers.
Please help support this community endeavor in any way possible.
N95 Mask Cover Project
Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross, Polk & Hamilton Townships
Residents from Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross, Polk and Hamilton Townships have volunteered to cut and sew N-95 mask covers. Each Township has a point person who is helping to coordinate this effort. The Township coordinators have begun the process of gathering the necessary supplies and are developing a distribution method for the supplies and a delivery method for the finished masks. The finished mask covers will be provided to our local hospitals, Lehigh Valley Pocono and St. Luke’s Monroe Campus.
Funds that are being raised are needed to purchase supplies including fabric, elastic and thread; as well as for providing transport and delivery of supplies and the finished product.
Currently, supplies are being obtained through the American Ribbon Company, Aura Fabrics, Pocono Sew & Vac; all of which have been very generous in getting the materials necessary for this project. As part of this process the cotton fabric needs to be prewashed and the Spinelli Family which owns “Express Laundromat” has provided the washers for this step in the process.
Quality control is very important and so production in the beginning will be metered to make sure the masks are constructed properly and that we are not wasting materials (Cotton Fabric, Cotton Thread, & Elastic) that are collected. There is no shortage of volunteers and they are very much appreciated; however, they should be patient as we make sure that we are producing a quality mask.
Pickup/Dropoff points are being established at each participating Township’s Municipal Building. The Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority has offered containers from Waste Management Inc. to serve as weather tight exchange point for finished products.
Supervisors from all six participating Townships have been very supportive of this project, and appreciative of the public’s grassroots initiative. Especially the women and men who have volunteered as Township Coordinators; Silvia & Bill Gethen (Chestnuthill Twp.), Renee Miller (Jackson Twp.), Donna Mikol (Eldred Twp.), Linda & Butch Kresge (Ross Twp.), Rebecca Tippett (Polk Twp.) and Brenda Kline (Hamilton Twp.)