My niece, Nadalyn Monique Peery-Galindo was the daughter of my sister Laura Mc Cracken. Nadalyn was 24 years old when she passed away early June morning on the 22nd,2019. I rushed from Las Vegas to San Diego trying to make it when I heard the news that she was in ICU and wasn't going to make it through the night, but she didn't make it and I didnt make it to say bye to my sweet babygirl who I helped raise along the way up until she was 5. I was there when she was delivered and remember that day like it was yesterday. The day she passed was so sudden, though she had strained her relationships with a lot of people we all loved her dearly and wanted to help her in anyway we could, but she was madly, fatally in love with her husband Anthony. All I know is that she had pneumonia and was pregnant and was in and out of the hospitals for a month. This time she was there to stay for a week and a half, but we didnt know or get a call until she was in ICU and on life support, finally her husband reached out to us. My sister ( her Mom) was able to be there with her daughter as she passed. She died after shortly miscarrying and ultimately died of sepsis. All her organs were shutting down and ultimately even on life support, her heart gave out, they gave her CPR and she just couldn't hang on. We are heartbroken and left with more questions than answers unfortunately. And even though my sister is her Mom, because she's married only her husband can get the medical records and only he truly knows what happened. We are hoping and praying that he gets us copies so we can get some answers and make some sense of this tragedy because as of now we are at a lost and left in shock not knowing what exactly happened and it hurts not have been able to have been there with her for her hospital stay. Its killing me inside. We are planning to cremate her using Trinity Funeral Services and should be able to get her ashes back Friday. It's sad that instead of planning a baby shower we are planning a memorial. We will be able to view her body Wednesday and say goodbye, maybe that's when it will become more real, because as of now we're just in a nightmare. We appreciate everyone reaching out to us and asking what they can do to help, some people want to donate which is why we set this up. Any amount will help, if you can, you can, if you can't, that's ok too. We love and appreciate everyone and all those who have reached out to us, it means a lot, you just don't know. Thank you again ❤