Nadya’s Fight Against Guillain Barre Syndrome
My name is Kendall Farley and this is a fundraiser for my best friend, Nadya. I’m writing this still in shock over what’s transpired over just a few days. Nadya and I have been friends since we were two years old. We just started our senior year in high school, we had tryouts for the volleyball team on Monday. The year, albeit very unusual, was just getting started. We have been doing our best like everyone to make the best of it all.
Nadya started having neck pain over the weekend, by Monday she was in the ER but then sent home. Tuesday she was back in the ER and then admitted and moved to ICU soon after. After MRI’s, blood work, spinal tap and other tests, the doctors have diagnosed her with a version of Guillain Barre Syndrome (Pharyngo-Cervico-Brachial). The paralysis quickly set in, and she currently is unable to move. The nerve pain is horrific and unfortunately the doctors are unable to give her anything because they are worried about her losing the ability to breathe on her own.
Nadya lives with her mom, and we’ve recently learned her health insurance will leave her with $40k out of pocket. Her mom, Katya, is a single parent who works extremely hard to provide for her daughter. The idea of her being burdened with this breaks my heart. I know the world is tragically full of stories like these, but if you can find it in your heart to donate anything, no amount is too small, it would be so greatly appreciated. Nadya was anxiously completing college applications and essays before all this happened. She hopes to attend a nice college next year. We even hoped of maybe attending the same universities together. I’ve always heard the phrase that everything can change in an instant, I don’t think I ever truly understood it like I do now. Please be sure to share some words of encouragement or similar stories with positive outcomes.