Bob Brown v Brett Lucas
When Bob Brown decided to drag my name through the media in February this year I had two choices. Either cow tow to one of Australia's greatest job destroyers and exaggerator or stand my ground, based on free speech.
Bob Brown wants money, the page closed down and yet another apology for making a joke in defense of the timber workers at Farmhouse Creek in Tasmania in 1986.
Sorry Bob, as I intimated to you a couple of weeks ago, NO GO!
I have acquired the services of a barrister from the Queensland Bar, Dr Gillian Dempsey. Gillian feels very strongly about implied free speech and has described Bob Brown as a communist and partially responsible for this "entitlement" mentality now rife in Australia.
As you will realise there are costs involved in this matter, chances are the case will escalate to the High Court of Australia, as Bob stated, "I am prepared to take this as far as needed".
On December 1 my barrister from Queensland will be tearing Bob a new one. Bob initially thought he would defend himself as I was only a dispensable redneck, however after listening to my barrister stated "I may need to reconsider my legal representation".
Unlike the Greens I have pride and have never asked for money before. Some great friends over at NO GREENS IN 2017 have been following this situation unfold and are chaffing at the bit to help defeat Bob Brown. I have reluctantly accepted their advice as beating the greens as an individual is not a fair playing field.
Brett Lucas