Nancy’s Needs and Cancer Treatment
On the very first day of this new year, Mom had to go to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. When the wait was over and all was said and done, we found out she has Choriocarcinoma that has spread through parts of her body, including her brain. Chemo treatment has begun, with radiation also in her future. We are asking for prayer first and foremost. We know that only God has the power to heal and to protect. We have, however, set up this fund knowing that expenses will be phenomenal. We gratefully realize, and are experiencing firsthand, that God’s people want to be givers and helpers. If you are so led, we would love your gifts and offerings and will bless God for the love He shows through His people!
As Jubi said, “This year may have started out one of the worst ways possible but it [2021] wasn’t “our year” like everyone says. It’s never been our year no matter how it started; it’s always been God’s year.”