Nancy Woznuck’s ALS journey
Friends of Nancy Woznuck are organizing this fundraiser to assist her with the many medical expenses stemming form her brave journey with ALS.
We can tell you that Nancy is the most wise woman. She is an incredible wife, a loyal friend, an amazing mother, and a faithful servant of the Lord. Very willing to help and always offering a smile, she will always brighten your day. We liken her disposition to sunshine.
Nancy is fiercely brave and maintaining her incredibly strong faith during this most devastating battle with ALS. At this time, health insurance is refusing to cover some very essential expenses, such as her medically necessary Trilogy breathing machine. Other expenses are soon to be incurred, including in-home nursing care.
As she has always cheered on her friends, we now are rooting for Nancy. Please help us reach our goal, so that we can fund the crucial resources that Nancy needs at this time.
All donations go DIRECTLY to Paul and Nancy Woznuck.