Help My Mom To Beat Colon Cancer
This is my mother Nancy Wait she was born in Muskegon Michigan and was one of the first children to have heart surgery performed at University of Michigan. Maybe you met her in those early years. She graduated from fruitport high school in 1973 and then went down to Tucson Arizona in for college. After that it was off to Hollywood where she worked in the motion picture business as a costumer for twenty years. She started on Dukes of Hazard and went on to work on the sets such as The Hulk, Wonder woman, and Hunter, in fact that's where she met my father. When I was born we moved back to Michigan to be closer to family. Thank goodness we did because my father passed away when I was 13 leaving my mother,sister, and I to fend for ourselves and we wouldn't have made it this far without them! Luckily my mom had previously managed restaurants and banquets before she started at Frito-Lay where she continues to work to this day. She is only a few months from retiring and has now been diagnosed with Stage 2 cancer and could use some financial support. My hope is that with this account, she can concentrate on getting better instead of worrying about the two years of ongoing medical expenses. So if you haven't met her yet, there's time because my mom is a fighter and she will be around for a while.