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Naomi's Multiple Sclerosis Fund

Donación protegida
My sister-in-law Naomi Leithold was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 1992. At first, she was able to balance her treatment with working and caring for her family. About 12 years ago, she was no longer able to continue working, and shifted her focus to the enormous task of living with this disease. She was still able to walk using a cane, and then eventually needed a walker, but as the disease has progressed, Naomi isn’t able to walk and relies completely on her electric wheelchair. MS has affected her ability to speak clearly, and, without medication, even her ability to breath normally. Naomi has been hospitalized numerous times, takes multiple medications, and has needed to modify her house and the family’s van to be wheelchair accessible. Her schedule revolves around visiting doctors’ offices and the hospital where she receives regular intravenous medications that are the only treatment that has been effective in slowing the progression of the disease.

All of this has involved overwhelming costs that have piled up, many of which aren’t covered fully by insurance. Naomi’s insurance premiums have skyrocketed, to the point where she and my brother David are struggling to pay the $3400 a month premium, as well as the many out of pocket costs for co-pays and other expenses. Many of you know Naomi as a wonderful mom, friend, neighbor, and teacher, who has stayed strong and refused to let MS define who she is. Please help her to get the resources she needs to continue her treatment and help her family provide the medical and physical support she needs to get through each day.


  • Anónimo
    • $500
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Shelli Patt
Skokie, IL
Naomi Leithold

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