Natalie’s Village
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Please join us in pouring love over the Alred family. Natalie recieved news that she has a brain tumor and will be traveling to MD Anderson to find out more information and develop a treatment plan. Let us join hands in supporting Natalie, Randy, and their 3 children.
“I'm not one to typically post personal things on Facebook.
But I believe in the power of prayer and the more we have praying the better.
On Monday our world was turned upside down. You only think things like this happen other people you read about online, never to you. It has been such a shock that I still feel like it's a nightmare I should wake up from. But I know that my God goes before me and with me through it all and that is giving me such a comfort and peace. For reasons beyond my understanding, this is going to be part of my story and I hope that I am able to help others in the future through this journey. I believe in Gods plan for my life and I know he will take care of me.
We were already on the phone with MD Anderson on
Monday after getting the MRI results-which is an answered prayer in itself. I know I will be in some of the best hands in the world to take care of me while God does his work through them. Please pray for us as we hopefully get out there quick and can get more answers as to what's going on.
Please pray for me, my children, my husband and my family as I know we all have a long road ahead of us. This is the time where "it takes a village" is going to come into play. Please pray for complete healing. I have 3 beautiful, perfect children that I'm determined I will be here to watch them grow up. Thank you to everyone who has already reached out and is praying, they are being felt!!”
We just got back home from consultations at MD Anderson. We spoke with the neuro oncologist first who told us he does believe it is some type of glioma on the brain stem from looking at the MRIs. We are believing and praying for something low grade!! He said that we would determine a treatment plan once we receive all biopsy and genetic testing results of the tumor which could take up to 4 weeks after surgery to get everything back.
We saw the neurosurgeon also. He was absolutely amazing and brilliant. It was fascinating to sit and listen to him talk bc he has so much knowledge about what he does. I will be going in for brain surgery soon where he is going to remove as much of the tumor as safely possible. He sat in the room with Randy and I for atleast an hour showing us the details of the tumor on MRI and explaining his surgical approach to it. He was so thorough and sat and answered every question we had. He said to me “don’t worry, I’m going to get you home” ❤️ I can’t say enough good things about him.
We still have a lot to go, but it’s so relieving to have all of this explained to us by the experts who deal with it on a daily basis. There have been so many prayers answered so far. God has watched over me through all of this and I know he will continue to do so. While this was not the plan I had for myself, I know that His plan and His purpose are far greater than anything I could have for myself. He chose me for this journey and I’m going to use it to glorify Him. I can only hope that God uses my testimony through this to bring others into a relationship with Him!
2 Corinthians 12:9
“His grace is sufficient for us, that in our weakness His strength is made perfect!” ❤️
We can’t thank everyone enough for all the support, love, cards, food, etc that we have been shown the past couple of weeks. I’ve experienced the most dark time I ever want to imagine while waiting for more answers to this. I will never take another moment for granted, I will enjoy all of the small moments in life, live in the present, and just enjoy life with my family. We truly live in an amazing community that has pulled together to support and love on my family while we get through this. We can’t put into words how much we appreciate every single thing ❤️❤️❤️ keep the prayers coming!!
Organizer and beneficiary
Lindsey Tidwell
Muscle Shoals, AL
Natalie Alred