National Three Peaks Challenge - bet365 Core Systems
Hey there!
On Saturday May 25th 2024, a group of 7 colleagues from bet365's "Core Systems" department will be embarking on the National Three Peaks Challenge, and are looking to raise some money to donate to the pulmonary fibrosis trust.
The challenge comprises ascending and descending the largest mountain in Scotland, England, and Wales, including the driving between them all, with the aim to complete them all in under 24 hours.
The challenge has a total walking distance of 37km (23 miles) and a total ascent of 3064m (10,052ft) broken up by a total driving distance of 744km (462 miles)!
The group is comprised of the following people, who are usually best at home sat behind a computer desk, drinking copious amounts of coffee...however, each and every one of the individuals all possess a unique super power which becomes activated on weekends only, which we're hoping will help them excel in the challenge ahead!
- Adam Davis
- Ashley McDonald
- Chris Wilkinson
- David Smith
- Mortimer Sotom
- Paul Marin
- William Armitage
Thank you for your donation, no matter how small or large!
Super Powers
Adam Davis possesses the extraordinary ability of "Techno-Symbiosis." This power allows him to seamlessly merge with and manipulate electronic gadgets and devices through a mental connection. When Adam comes into contact with any electronic device, he can instantly understand its inner workings and access its functions with his mind alone.
Ashley McDonald possesses the extraordinary ability known as "Velocity Fusion." This power enables him to merge seamlessly with the kinetic energy of motion, granting him unparalleled speed and agility beyond human limits.
With Velocity Fusion, Ashley can achieve incredible velocities, allowing him to run at supersonic speeds. He can cover vast distances in the blink of an eye, effortlessly outpacing any vehicle or opponent.
Chris Wilkinson possesses the extraordinary ability known as "Peak Ascendancy." This power grants him unparalleled mastery over vertical surfaces and the ability to scale any obstacle with ease, akin to a true master climber.
With Peak Ascendancy, Chris can adhere to and traverse vertical surfaces effortlessly, defying gravity with each step. He can scale sheer cliffs, skyscrapers, or even slick surfaces with the agility and grace of a seasoned mountaineer. His grip becomes unyielding, allowing him to cling to surfaces with the tenacity of a gecko.
David Smith possesses the extraordinary ability of "Aquatic Mastery." With this power, David can control and manipulate water in all its forms, akin to a master angler effortlessly navigating the currents of the ocean. His powers extend beyond mere manipulation; he can summon aquatic creatures to aid him, communicate with marine life, and even manipulate the weather patterns related to the sea.
Mortimer Sotom wields the extraordinary power known as "Code Manipulation." This unique ability allows him to manipulate and control the fabric of reality through the mastery of the Go programming language.
With Code Manipulation, Mortimer can rewrite the fundamental laws of the universe as if they were lines of code. He can alter physical properties, manipulate matter and energy, and even bend space and time to his will, all by writing and executing precise programs in GoLang.
Paul Marin possesses the extraordinary ability known as "Sweet Smoke Transmutation." This power enables him to transform any type of smoke into delicious confectionery, particularly Snickers bars, and manipulate it to his advantage.
With Sweet Smoke Transmutation, Paul can transmute harmful or ordinary smoke, such as that from cigarettes or industrial pollution, into delectable Snickers bars. These bars retain their taste, texture, and nutritional value, offering a healthier alternative to harmful smoke inhalation. Additionally, Paul can control the density and shape of the confectionery, allowing him to mould it into various forms for consumption or combat.
William Armitage possesses the extraordinary ability known as "Kinetic Racketry." This power grants him the unique capability to manipulate and control kinetic energy through the use of a tennis racket, turning it into a formidable weapon and tool of unparalleled precision.
With Kinetic Racketry, William can imbue his racket with energy, enabling him to unleash devastating strikes and powerful serves. Each swing of his racket releases bursts of kinetic force, capable of knocking back foes or deflecting incoming attacks with pinpoint accuracy.
Chris Wilkinson
pulmonary fibrosis trust