Nature Field Trip for East Harlem 5th graders
Please help support our outdoor adventure field trip for our two fifth grade classes (approximately 40 students).
We will travel by train and school bus from Harlem to Stony Kill Farm and
then spend two nights at the Fresh Air Fund’s Sharpe Reservation near Fishhkill, NY. On the bus ride home we get to stop and visit a reservoir where our drinking water in New York City originates. Our days will be filled with camaraderie, experiences with farm animals, hands on nature education and hiking in the woods. Nights will include campfires, a planetarium show, games, songs and hopefully some sleep!
Many of our 5th graders, who primarily live in East Harlem and the Bronx have not had the opportunity to spend the night out in the woods, visit a farm or see first hand where their drinking water comes from and how watersheds work.
While we have secured some grant funding for this trip and each student’s family will contribute along with creative student fundraisers without your support this late February trip will not be able to happen.
Please give generously and share this site and encourage your friends to contribute too!
The River East Community