6th Grade Nature's Classroom Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Beverly Middle School PTO Inc., in order help the 6th Grade students attend Nature's Classroom this spring. As the 6th grade Parent Representative, I have seen how much our teachers care for each of their students and want to share in their efforts.
Nature's classroom is celebrating their 50th year, and Beverly Middle School has been part of that history for the better part of 40+ years. I am looking to help continue that tradition. This opportunity allows for our six graders to disconnect from the technology they have grown accustom to and learn about a variety of topics using one of the best resources available, nature. This week long, fully immersive experience, is life changing, just ask those that have attended in the last 40+ years, they will tell you. Help me and the 6th grade staff in raising the needed funds to send the students!
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me and my daughter's class.
More information about Beverly Middle School PTO Inc.: Beverly Middle School PTO is a 501c3 organization raising money to enhance the educational and enrichment opportunities for our middle school community.
CO Varnes
Beverly, MA
Beverly Middle School PTO Inc.