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A Beating Chance For Joseph

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My son Joseph is such an inspiration to me.  11 years ago he received a precious gift from a courageous person and that gift was a heart.  Although this precious gift is still beating, Joseph is now in need of another heart. 

This beautiful young man continues to live his life to the fullest and never complains about his condition. 

As a father you would expect things would go well for your child and you would take the burden of their pain. Unfortunately, this is much larger than what a parent can endure.  Life is not easy when you see your child struggle and Joseph’s life will take another turn.  

With this unfortunate matter, I ask you for your assistance to help him get through the costs.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

From a loving Father!


  • Jason Harrell
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Traci Washington
Denver, CO
Joe Garcia

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