Help me write Ned Fritz's bio–he saved TX nature
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Ned Fritz is Texas' greatest environmentalist and father of Texas nature preservation, ably aided by his wife, Genie.
• Prevented the Trinity River barge canal.
• Initiated preservation of the Big Thicket.
• Responsible for establishing six wilderness areas in East Texas.
• Pushed back on clearcutting and began a national forestry reform movement.
• Obtained legal protection for birds, including golden eagles and Harris hawks.
• Started the Texas land trust movement and its largest native one, Texas Land Conservancy.
• Founded the first unique-to-Texas environmental group, now known as Texas Conservation Alliance.
To name just a few of his achievements.
Yet as I was writing Wild DFW: Explore the Amazing Nature Around Dallas-Fort Worth (Timber Press early 2023), I discovered that information on Ned's complete legacy was increasingly hard to find online. Younger nature-loving generations did not even know his name. A biography would go a long way to fixing that, something Genie’s always hoped for. A website seemed best since anyone can read regardless of income. It allows videos and lots of photos, plus links for more information. Plus no trees would be cut down for this famed forest defender.
Check it out: https://nedfritz.com/ Click on Biography and then Ned in a Nutshell to see the first section.
Publishers can fund books. But a website has to be crowdfunded. So I'm appealing to my friends and colleagues for support, nature-loving folks who benefit from Ned and Genie's work every day. It's a team effort, with Kristi Kerr Leonard as co-founder and project manager, and my husband Scooter Smith as webmaster and graphics designer.
In addition to funding me to research and write a 65,000-word multi-media book, the money raised will also cover website creation costs and hosting for 20 years. Ned was known for inspiring generations of eco-leaders, so the website features a state-wide action guide to inspire future Neds.
Help me preserve a great man's legacy of nature preservation. I would be ever so grateful for your donations. Even just $5 would be thankfully received.
Artwork by Ted Debosier.
Amy Martin
Dallas, TX