Need Boats, WILL ROW! (new youth rowing program)
Tax deductible
Thank you for all of your support--you helped us get boats! Follow us on Facebook to see how we take the next steps to build our program. Given the current situation, we can't get on the water right now, but we won't let this stop us from building our team!
Want to join us in building a new youth rowing program?
WOW we are still raising! We have our sights on adding an additional erg to our original list of equipment so we don't have to rotate during practice. Thanks for all of the support!!
We're raising money to buy our first boats! State College Area Rowing's Founding Spring Squad has been training indoors and is ready to get out on the water as soon as we can secure some equipment. $1,000 will get us a used boat, but with $5,000 we would be able to get two used boats plus oars, a cox box and a launch. With $7,500 we will cover all of our maintenance and transportation costs for our two used boats to get them here and in the water for outdoor practice starting after spring break!
Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution!
Last spring our small "club" began learning how to row at Bald Eagle State Park under Coach John O'Brien's leadership. Two of us rowed last summer in our first youth regatta borrowing boats when we could for practice and competition. To grow the club, we knew we'd need support. We've recruited over 12 girls and are excited to for our spring season. For more on our story, read about us in the news !
Check out our website !
More information about State College Area Rowing: The mission of State College Area Rowing is to provide ongoing opportunities to educate youth in the State College Area and enable them to achieve excellence through the sport of rowing. We aim to: steadily increase awareness of rowing in the State College, PA area; consistently grow lifetime participation in rowing; provide education on rowing safety, healthy training methods, and effective rowing techniques; all while having fun!
Want to join us in building a new youth rowing program?
WOW we are still raising! We have our sights on adding an additional erg to our original list of equipment so we don't have to rotate during practice. Thanks for all of the support!!
We're raising money to buy our first boats! State College Area Rowing's Founding Spring Squad has been training indoors and is ready to get out on the water as soon as we can secure some equipment. $1,000 will get us a used boat, but with $5,000 we would be able to get two used boats plus oars, a cox box and a launch. With $7,500 we will cover all of our maintenance and transportation costs for our two used boats to get them here and in the water for outdoor practice starting after spring break!
Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution!
Last spring our small "club" began learning how to row at Bald Eagle State Park under Coach John O'Brien's leadership. Two of us rowed last summer in our first youth regatta borrowing boats when we could for practice and competition. To grow the club, we knew we'd need support. We've recruited over 12 girls and are excited to for our spring season. For more on our story, read about us in the news !
Check out our website !
More information about State College Area Rowing: The mission of State College Area Rowing is to provide ongoing opportunities to educate youth in the State College Area and enable them to achieve excellence through the sport of rowing. We aim to: steadily increase awareness of rowing in the State College, PA area; consistently grow lifetime participation in rowing; provide education on rowing safety, healthy training methods, and effective rowing techniques; all while having fun!
Fundraising team: SCAR Founding Spring Squad (11)
Amelia Wyckoff
State College, PA
State College Area Rowing
Maggie Huggins
Team member
Maribeth Kelly
Team member
Phoebe Mullen
Team member
Catelyn Janac
Team member