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Apartment Rent, Utilities, and Food

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Recently lost my job due to workplace discrimination based on disability: had to call out due to too much stress  from their harrassment and got fired. 

I got unto unemployment and won the initial claim, then won the reconsideration, but didn't win the appeal because the judge favored my employer's false testimony over mine and I lacked recent medical evidence. However, I filed an appeal which is going to be on July 5th with the unemployment appeals board.  I'm hoping that we can win. It will be with 3 appeal's judges. 

I was surviving on unemployment for the last month and a half but have no funds anymore while looking for work: got fired March 17th. 

I already borrowed money from my family which didn't want to help me in the first place: they said it was a one time loan as well for last month. My rent is coming up again on July 1st and my utilities are going to need payment soon: Internet will get turned off by the 20th and electric is soon for a termination notice number 1. 

My rent is 500; My electric is currently $123.82 excluding this month: it gets charged on the 13th usually; and we have no money for food: used up our food stamps already for a household of 2; the food we have will last another 5 days to a week or so. Also, our internet bill is $147.88 

The local program for emergency rental assistence has no funds and are dealing with people who are already homeless. 

I was homeless before with my wife but have been stable for the last 4 years and would rather not go homeless again with my wife. 

I have faith that God will use this or another avenue of help for us.

We have a phone hearing which we need our internet for because we use Free Google Phone as our main phone line. We need our power, of course. We need food to last us until we know what is going on with the hearing. We need rent so we won't get kicked out unto the streets where there is no longer any homeless shelter. 

Thanks, Take care, With Love through God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost,

P.S. Even if we did get all of our unemployement backpay, we we will funds to cover all of these delayed expenses building up in the background. 



Anthony Souls
Butte, MT

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