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Nelstina's Dream Wedding

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     As most of you know I proposed to my long time girlfriend and longer time crush recently. But numerous circumstances are leading to a bit of a time crunch as far as the wedding goes. As you know, Krisse's diagnosis was terminal, and despite the best efforts of her doctors, things aren't going as well as we hoped. We have just about two months to lock everything down. We hope to be married December 28th 2014, which both leaves little time to save and purchase everything needed for a wedding. We have some help from family but don't want to leave them on the hook for everything. The economy the way it is, my commission checks have been meager at best and the cost of having cancer and receiving any kind of treatment is disgusting and hardly bearable even with state help. (What happened to the care in healthcare?) So we've had both little time, and little resources to save for a proper wedding.

Since her diagnosis she's been actively attacking her bucket list, and this is a big one. It's one to knock off my list as well. This year has been an absolute roller coaster for both of us and I want to give the woman of my dreams, her dream wedding. The more money we raise the more people we can have join us in an amazing celebration. It's not often two baker metal head hockey fans find love in this world so why not help our dream become a reality? There's so many good causes you could spend your money on, I understand this may be low on the totem pole as far as importance, it may even sound a little vain. But I know most of us at one point said to someone we love that we would do anything for them. And I would do anything for Krisse. Every little bit helps and feel free to share as much as you care to. Thank you very much for reading this far, and if you have any questions feel free to message me. 



  • Ling Chu
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Nelson Tömas Miranda
Lawndale, CA

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