Make Nerf Night even more awesome!
My name is Dan Caporello, and I host a bi-monthly Nerf war. Why, you ask? Because it's fun, and people need to blow of steam.
We've always made the event free to attend, because it's not the kind of thing that requires a lot of for-planning and effort to set up, but that's beginning to change. Our numbers have grown significantly since our first Nerf War.
Here's us over 2 years ago.
And as you can see, more than 6 people show up now. over 35 per event in fact.
So, why do we need money?
I want to make this experience the best it can be. And that means purchasing a few items to enhance what we already have. Here's a list of my goals:
- New Red and Blue jersies.
- Extra ammo for event use.
- New Red and Blue flags.
- Foam tactical barriers to make the arena more interesting.
- Water coolers.
- Website domain.
I work on this event for free. And it's 100% volunteer driven. So, all of the money you donate will go towards making the experience the best it can be.
Thanks for your consideration!
For more info about our next event, check out our Nerf Night Facebook Group Or, the new Nerf Night Blog.