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Help Please Support a Clinic In Remote Kericho County Kenya

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My name is Les Williams. I am a retiree from AT&T and now live in Meridian, Mississippi. I became friends with Peter Yegon about a year ago while using Peter's writing talents for a website I have about dogs. Peter impressed me then as he worked at his local church as an unpaid pastor to his church's youth. Peter has a bachelor's degree in medicine and dreams of building a medical clinic for the people in his county. Much work has been done on the clinic, but it still needs much more work. His local church and other local churches continue to ask for offerings for the clinic, but the donations have slowed down significantly as this is an extremely poor rural area of Kenya. The men are willing to do the work if they can get the materials. I am asking my friends and acquaintances to please donate what you can to this worthy cause. I will oversee the distribution of the project as needed. I appreciate your consideration, and may God Bless You!

Please also consider sharing this ministry need with your friends on social media.

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Below I am including an article about the young man who dreams to build a critically needed clinic for his people. Peter is boots on the ground in Kenya living near the new clinic location:

My Life Story - A Struggle to Help My People
By: Peter Thompson Yegon

It was on a Thursday at 4:30 A.M that happiness and joy filled the hearts of both my parents. I was born on June 6, 1994, at Kapkatet General Hospital in Kericho County. My parents had seven children and among the seven children they had, I was the fourth (or middle) child from them. It started as three girls, and then I came along as the first boy after it was another boy, then finally, another two boys, so the total was three girls and four boys. The way my parents lived and treated each other was the same as any other married couple that loved each other so much.

My childhood was fairly typical – I went to school, played sports and spent time with my family and friends. However, my life took a dramatic turn when I was 8 years old. My Father passed away. Suddenly, leaving my mother to raise me and my siblings on her own. The next few years were difficult. My mother did her best to provide for us, but money was tight and she was often overwhelmed. I had to take on more responsibilities around the house and help take care of my younger siblings.

The silence was all that I hear in the house. There was not even a soul to spark a sense of joy in my heart. Utter bitterness was all that remains. I still remember the dreadful day of my father died. It was as if the most valuable thing in my life vanished in a heartbeat, there was no warming whatsoever. His death was an instant pain that came without the remorse of god.
My younger life was different from the rest of the children in my village, it was fascinating how anything can happen within the blink of an eye. It was impossible to know when life will get better or worse in just one day with that being said, the day my father died turned in my life into an eternal abyss of pain and suffering from which I could not recover from.
I just could not believe that my father was dead, it was impossible to think such a thing. He never looked so peaceful. He did not say a single word. Until I realized that he was no longer in this world, I was when everything collapsed inside my heart. People were all of a sudden giving me condolences due to the death of my father. I kept denying his death until men came to my house to dispose of the dead body.

When I was a young boy, I heard and read the word fun and happiness. The only problem was that I never knew what it was. I never had anyone to play with to teach me those wonderful experiences. The main contributor to having a stale childhood was my father.
I started school when I was six years old. I went to Kindergarten through fifth grade at Sebetet Primary School and while I was there, I won the award for perfect attendance. I also won an award for honor roll for four terms. Then I attended Cheborgei Boys High School, and there I won a couple of awards: one in form three and the other in form four. I always tried to learn positive things in my life enjoyed in my life, and I always motivate myself to get good grades in school life. Soon I got admitted to University and have a lot of memories of University life. This is different from school life and high school life.

Whenever I had a dream then I struggle hard to fulfil my dream. This is my belief your dream depends upon your hard work that is always paid off. Just keep hard work in your whole life for your success and dreams. My life story is all about just believing in myself and keep struggle hard to achieve my main goals.

“ When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful!! ",. These are the words of Erick Thomas, '’ not my late father” my inspiration, and that of many others. The start of high school directly coincides with a change in my life, nonetheless, of which both come to be what I call my greatest milestone. From these milestones, I have led a better, more impressive part than I would have if these words and the many more that continue to inspire me had fallen on deaf ears in my past self.

Challenges and obstacles are life-defining moments in someone's life that they can utilize and build upon for the duration of their life. I would not necessarily call my challenge a moment, I would call it a period or season of my life where I had to learn how to cope with the many personalities of high school students and differentiate who I would consider my friend...
Throughout my life, I faced a lot of challenges. I had to overcome the obstacles. I had to overcome the obstacle that was on my way. The obstacle made me stronger and made me the person I am right now an ambitious and hard-working student. The problem shaped me because I knew that I have to work for what I wanted and to be a better person. Also, I learned from my mistakes and try to do better. The first obstacle had to face was free challenges happened I was depressed and did not do that good in school.
The loss of my older brother changed my life in ways that I couldn't have imagined at the time of his death, but I was bombarded with so many emotions and undertaking that deeply impaired my thought process. The following article is going to take you through the many aspects that dealt with after my older brother's accident!

It was Saturday in mid-January 2015. I can tell you most of what I was doing that day... Everything was ok. Everything was far ok- I just didn't know it yet. My life had changed forever. My older brother, who was a driver in Kericho, had died in a motorcycle accident. I found out about two hours after his death, two hours in which I had gone about my life, thinking that everything was fine.

The following days were a blur. But, while they were devastating, fraught with emotion and extremely hard, what came as a shock having to get back to "normal” life after a couple of weeks off work. Life wasn't normal. While people around were supportive and kind, no one understood the depth of my loss, so, where I could, I escaped to other places to spend time with my closest friends.

As a family, we supported each other, especially through the many 'firsts’ and significant events in the coming years, but we also needed support individually outside of the immediate family. I was at a stage of life where I was becoming increasingly independent. I didn't want to be reliant on my family, but at the same time, I desperately needed them.

A few months after my brother died, my Mum handed me a flyer about a weekend for bereaved siblings run by Care for the Family. I took it and although I didn't say much to her at the time, I remember thinking 'That’s probably exactly what I needed, I booked a place, put the date in the diary and forgot about it. As it got closer, I had a feeling of dread but determined that I should go. I didn't know what to expect. Not being a naturally outgoing person, the last thing I felt like doing while feeling so vulnerable, was to meet a whole load of new people and make small talk- or worse, share my deepest feelings with them! I did find the weekend difficult and emotionally draining but, it got easier as we went along. Meeting other people who had lost a brother or sister and hearing them say that was tough, really tough helped me to realize that what I was feeling was normal (If there is such a thing as normal!)

Moving forward in life hasn't always been easy. When my brother died I was one year into a relationship. My girlfriend took a lot of the strains and months afterwards. Stuart had met her a couple of times and had said something along the lines of ' She seems like a bloke '. My clinging onto that comment, combined with the fact that I wasn't emotionally strong enough for a break–up, resulted in us staying together longer than we might have otherwise. Our relationship did end eventually, and in 2019 I went on to marry my wonderful wife Ivine. I still find it difficult that she never met my brother, likewise, that my child 0never met their uncle.

Over the following years, I struggled with anxiety but was able to find ways to manage it. I did reach a point where I became a lot calmer about many things, but becoming a parent has brought new anxieties. I am determined not to limit what my child do, or inadvertently let my worries run off on her, but that determination comes at a price. Not wrapping them up in cotton wool means opening myself up to the element of risk.

This can flood my thoughts with 'what ifs......? ' and fighting these off can be emotionally exhausting. I know that with the children aged just four and six, the worries and fears of parenthood are only just starting and there will be many more challenges as they become more independent.

I always spent a lot of time on my work and after on my fitness and other things. But mostly I spent my time on my studies because I want to secure my future. But now I am thinking that I should spend some time on other activities like sports exercise etc. Think I should give some time to my family members and friends.

I have a lot of skills in iPhone mobiles and web content and always trying to improve my skills because it is very important in my life. So we should learn some good skills of the most scope of the field. Other than that, I am equally focusing on my listening and speaking skill to improve.
Favorite Quotations :
• "Life is just a chance to grow a soul” – A. Powel Davies
• ``If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun” – Katherine Hepburn
• ``Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it” - Confucius
• `` No one has ever become poor by giving” – Anne Frank
• ``No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another” -Charles Dickens
• ``There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people” – John Holmes
• `` I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can't change the way, anybody else thinks, or what they chose to do, but I can do my bit "– Charles de Lint
• `` Don't hate what you don't understand” – John Lennon

These quotations are my favorite. But the third quotation is my all-time favourite because according to our religion, everything has its beauty but, many people can't understand they are full of racism, they don't know the value of a thing which is created by God.
Every person is created equal in dignity and value. Someone’s background or lifestyle choices do not determine their value. Even another person does not have the power to determine someone's dignity. God does and He already made it clear in Genesis 1 that we are all created in His image.

I have lived in poverty both as a child and as an adult, and I can say with full confidence that it is a life–crushing force. I hated it “Poverty “is also one of the most misunderstood labels that gets slapped onto individuals without their approval – cash upon them simultaneously by both unseen and more visible forces of society. Poverty is a word loaded with preconceived notions, common misperceptions, and seemingly innocuous assumptions. What the word does not do is delve below its surface meaning into the reality of poverty – a world that no one wants to live in.
These are the very thoughts that consumed me in times of poverty. And yet, I never stopped that there must be a way out. The “how” and the “why” of my situation – resounding questions that were never stated – eventually fell by the wayside as I pushed towards a leap. The very thing that brought despair and darkness motivated me to dig out of that prison, to fight with everything within me, to find that light that must exist outside of the walls.

Living in poverty need not be a death sentence. I decided when I was 12 years old that I wanted to secure a bachelor's degree in medicine before, I was married (which I did). Throughout my childhood, I had a voracious appetite for knowledge. I was constantly hungry to learn more. And when life challenges blindsided me as an adult (now with a degree under my belt), I continued to learn what my options were, what resources were available to me, and to fight hard to provide the best opportunities that I can for my children, so that they may never see themselves as “living in poverty “ or not having a shot at a better life. The difficult moments instead of discouraging me, these moments give me motivation and the necessary energy to move forward.

Colossians 1;9-10 reminds me that a rich prayer life is possible. I ask God to give me complete knowledge of his will and to give me spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way I live will always honor and please the Lord and my life will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, I will grow as I learn to know God better and better”.

Prayer is one of the best ways to receive this spiritual treasure. In Jeremiah 33:3, God promised, "Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come”. Those `` remarkable secrets” are `` complete knowledge of His will, and spiritual wisdom and understanding”.

Gaining these spiritual treasures requires tenacity. It takes more than simply bowing my head or sending up a quick prayer when things get tough. It is important to continue to pray and ask for guidance from God. At the same time, it's also important to take action towards what I want in life, even if I don't have all the answers. And trust that the part will reveal itself to me in due time. God helps those who help themselves.

I am an optimist but realistic. My mother taught me that we live in a world that is constantly changing and to succeed we need a smart plan and the ability to adapt and adjust to the changing world environment but more importantly one needs to prepare one's self to succeed.
We need discipline and above all God fearing and unshakable will to resist difficulties when they happen. “An ongoing work of art” would probably be one of the best ways to describe my life. From very early on in life, I have learned that I can be a good artist in my own life through guidance and hard work, commitment and determination. Every route taken or not taken will somehow impact our existence and leave a trail like a shooting star in the night sky, the beauty of the trail depends entirely on the nature of our actions in life. My spiritual journey of faith has turned me into more of a “mutt” than a “ purebred” Christian because of the variety of denominations and international churches that I have experienced so far in my life.

For starters, I grew up in an “every Sunday “ church family. I was at church the very next Sunday after being born. My first church was part of the Assemblies of God. All through my childhood, I heard about Jesus and I remember being about Seven years old when my mother knelt beside me as I prayed the “Sinners prayers “ and asked Jesus to be my Lord and Saviour.

I can’t say that it was the most powerful moment of my life, yet it was a very significant start to my spiritual journey. This journey has allowed me to see the Holy Spirit bring Jesus to be alive in my life called me into ministry, show me the works of the Holy Spirit and become the voice that leads me every day.

First of all, I was your average churched kid, creating as much mischief as the next little boy. Thanks be to God that I had praying parents who kept me in church and showed me the value of scripture and prayer in daily life. As I continue to grow, I learned the true significance of repentance and asking God for forgiveness. The devil attempted to discourage me on multiple occasions, but the book of Psalms 55:22 constantly flashes across my mind “ Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you, he will never permit the righteous to be moved” stayed with Christ and overcome every attack.

I experienced spiritual growth since I dedicated my life to Christ. I received the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking tongues. I was baptized at my church Faith Ministry International, I am currently very active. I am the youth director, youth bible teacher and church treasurer. Visiting the sick and the poor can be a great way to offer support and comfort to those who are going through a difficult time. My action can make a real difference in their lives and help them feel less alone.

I want to change society sees people with disabilities. As Cesar Chavez, the American Labour leader, civil rights activist and spiritual figure said,
`` We can't seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and our own”.

This has always driven me to be a force of change wherever I find myself. Just recently, I was appointed as a community coordinator of Channels of Hope of my church. And this has offered me a new platform through which I can induce change.

Growing up with persons living with disabilities, I noticed that, the concept of education the disabilities, was almost unheard of in my community. So, when came to the community, I was determined to show everybody that, I could make it.

I have something I refer to as `DDP’, which stands for Dedication, Determination and Perseverance. I always tell my friends about it. I tell them that first, they must, be dedicated to their studies and not lose sight of their goals until they have achieved them.
Secondly, they must be determined to succeed and always win. Nobody is born a winner, but we rather make ourselves into winners.

Lastly, they must bring into focus no matter what the situation or circumstances and always believe that there is no limit. Not even the sky because man has been to the moon. They should always pursue their goals and ultimately inspire change in others and try to bring the winds of change wherever they go.

Some of the things I want to change in my community include how society sees people with disabilities. I want society to see them as people with great potential, and give them the chance to exhibit this potential.

Over the years, I have been trying to educate my community about people with disabilities through various avenues like at the church and the youth community meetings.
I came into my first year of youth ministry with one goal at the top of my list providing them with a sense of purpose. My ability to fluently speak two languages formed a common ground on which I could build relationships. I came to understand a desire to use my privilege in service to others.

Through this history, I understood how purpose on this Earth continue a lineage of individuals committed to selfless sacrifice. My heritage has the privileged to interact with diverse people from an early age. The summation of these encounters forms the core of my identity as they show me the human dignity characteristics of all people.

I always motivate youth by providing them with a sense of purpose. Encouraging them to set and reach realistic goals, engaging in meaningful activities that challenge their abilities and providing them with support and recognition for their efforts will help create a strong sense of self-efficiency.

Let me tell you the story of a young man. I worked with this guy who was unmotivated and lacked direction in life. He was born in a small village with limited opportunities and struggled to find his place in the world. However, one day, despite his reservation and lack of confidence, he decided to take a chance and join the local boxing club. One day he had a breakthrough moment when he won his fight.

He felt a surge of pride and self-belief that had been absent before. After that, he worked diligently to hone his boxing skills and took part in several local tournaments, and eventually, he achieved his goal of becoming the village Champion. After his remarkable victory, the whole village celebrated his success, and he was seen as a true hero.

Our youths should be encouraged to do the same, as it is the only way to overcome hardships and reach their potential. Motivation and drive are the keys to success, and it is imperative to cultivate these qualities in our youth so that they may become the most capable version of themselves and lead successful lives, Identify their passion and cultivate the skills they need to pursue them so that they may make the most of their lives and reach their goals.

As the past years have shown, no one ever has complete control over their circumstances. A catastrophic event - like a pandemic - will always disproportionately affect individuals of lower socio-economic status. This leaves underprivileged communities vulnerable to the whims of those who prioritize greed and power over the needs of the people. For these reasons, it is the community to come together and provide for the needs of those lacking access to the most basic of rights.

During the pandemic, I began volunteering as a care coordinator for a mobile outreach clinic (MOC). Care coordinators provide follow-up and administrative services for the clinic, using community resources to address patients' barriers to care. A typical care coordination shift consists of answering missed calls, calling, and discussing action items with my current patients, followed by creating plans for patients who have yet to be contacted.
Working at a Mobile outreach Clinic was a rewarding experience. Knowing that you can make an impact right in your local community brings fulfilment in seeing immediate real-world results from the work you do.

" If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever" Kofi Anna

“By connecting and being part of a community with a shared vision and goals, we can create things. Because change is what makes the world go around. And change ultimately is the key to the prosperity of the community”

I surveyed to establish the need of establishing a health centre in Kapsuser Ward, Kericho County. On 25 August 2020, I sent structured questionnaires to the community people to verify their needs and prioritize them and to affirm whether are the same as those of the church leaders or not. The research process was designed for achieving valid information useful in decision–making and building a common vision and consensus across the community needs assessment research requires a `` triangulation” of findings across various levels and groups. As a consequence, it is important to ascertain whether the responses from the various groups and levels corroborate or conflict with each other.

There are several reasons why resident groups, Church leaders and well-wishers should secure accurate information about the needs of a community. All communities are in a continual state of change – through the births and deaths of citizens, through people moving out and new people moving in, and through the natural growth and development of the community over time. As a consequence, what once may have been an appropriate policy or program can eventually become inappropriate. The character or attitude of a community can shift as a result of the interplay of social, cultural, and economic changes.

The needs of different groups of people in a community are difficult to identify and frequently interrelated. In many instances, people do not express their attitudes and feelings openly, sometimes community needs and opinions are not revealed until a crisis occurs. This makes priority setting and long-range planning essential, however, planning and actions can't be carried out effectively without accurate and up–to–date information about residents' needs and desires.

A community needs assessment process is an excellent means of involving the public in problem-solving and developing local goals. There is a tendency for people to resist change, frequently because they have inadequate information, or because they have not been involved in making decisions.

A needs assessment can be viewed as a process of residents' involvement to allow people not only to learn more about the situation but most importantly, to feel they have had a voice in the outcome. ( Lorma Butler and Robert Howell, 1980)

Data Analysis
Data were edited, coded, tabulated and analysed using the SPSS program, frequencies were done to determine variables mostly identified as the main problem in the community.
The method used: descriptive statistics
The sample size of 120 community people was chosen randomly and given questionnaire forms. Due to resources constraint.
In finance, only 120 sample sizes were chosen.

Table 4.2 Gender Distribution
Valid Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Females 56 51.9 51.9 51.9
Males 52 48.1 48.1 100.0
Total 108 100.0 100.0

Source: Survey data by Author, 2021
Out of 120 people, 108 people returned the forms as follows: 56 female community people which is 51.9% were included in the research and 52 male community people were also included.

Table 4.2.1 Age distribution
Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Valid 15-20 16 14.8 14.8 14.8
21-40 44 40.7 40.7 92.6
41-60 40 37.0 37.0 51.9
Over 60
Total 8
108 7.4
100.0 7.4
100.0 100.0

Source: Survey data by Author,
From the above analysis, the highest percentage was filling within the age range of 21-40 years -40.7%. This implies that this was the reproductive group most affected by the lack of health facilities in the community.
Table 4.2.2: Problems in the community
Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Valid Health per cent 64 59.3 59.3 59.3
Water 12 11.1 11.1 70.4
Water, health 32 29.6 29.6 100.0
Total 108 100.0 100.0

Source: survey data by Author, 2021 Out of 108 community people who returned the filled questionnaire forms, 64 indicated that the lack of a health Centre in Kapsuser Ward, Kericho county area was the main problem. These 64 people are 59.3% of the total number of community people who were approached to identify their problems. This implies that lack of health services is the main problem in this community.
3 people indicated water as the main problem in the area, this is 11.1%. And 8 people indicated that lack of health Centre, water, and the road is the main problem in the area. Thus according to the results, the lack of health centres is identified as the main problem in this area.

Table 4.2.3: Needs Prioritization
Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Valid Health Centre 108 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Survey data by Author, 2021
108 community people prioritized the health Centre, this is 100% of the total number of community people who filled and returned the questionnaire forms. This implied that the lack of health facilities in this community was the big problem
Table 4.2.4 Difficulty in accessing health

Valid Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent
Per cent
Yes 96 88.9 88.9 88.9
No 12 11.1 11.1 100.0
Total 108 100.0 100.0

Source: Survey data by Author, 2021
96 Community people which is 88.9% show that there is a problem in obtaining health service in the community. And 12 community people which is 11.1% showed no difficulties in obtaining health services. The high percentage indicated that there is a problem in accessing health services.

Table 4:2.5: Distance from your locality to the Health Centre

Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Valid 10km 96 88.9 92.3 92.3
Over 10km 8 7.4 7.7 100.0
Missing System 4 3.7
Total 108 100.0

Source: Survey data by Author, 2021
Showed that 96 - 88.9% of the community people indicated that they had to travel 10km to access health services hence time and transport costs must be incurred, and this person falls under the rural poor group implies that most likely these people would not be able to access health services.

Table 4:2:6:Are you ready to participate/Contribute to social development activities in your locality?

Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Valid Yes 104 96.3 96.3 96.3
No 4 3.7 3.7 100.0
Total 108 100.0 100.0

Source: Survey data by Author, 2019
104 community people which are 96.3% are ready to participate in community activities, and 4 people which are 3.7% are not ready. This analysis indicated that the community people were willing to participate in community activities to achieve changes they would like in their community, this was a good indicator.

Table 4.2.7: What economic activities do you to earn your living?
Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent Cumulative
Per cent
Valid 4 3.7 3.7 3.7
Self-employed 84 77.8 77.8 81.5
Employed 4 3.7 3.7 85.2
Unemployed 12 11.1 11.1 96.3
Students 4 3.7 3.7 100.0
Total 108 100 100

Source: Survey data by Author, 2021
The analysis data survey showed that 84 respondents in this community were self-employed - 77.8% in the informal sector whereby their earnings are very small.

Table : 4.2.8: what is your contribution to social development activities in your locality?

Frequency Per cent Valid
Per cent
4 3.7 3.7 3.7
Valid Finance 12 11.1 11.1 14.8
Labour 88 81.5 81.5 96.3
Working 4 3.7 3.7 100.0
Total 108 100.0 100.0

Source: survey data by Author, 2021
The majority of the correspondents, 88 people 81%, were ready to contribute their labour in any of the development activities to be carried out in their locality. Only 12 people - 11% would be able to contribute in terms of finance and 4 people - 3.7% would be able to contribute working materials. Contributions in labour or working materials can be converted into money.

Through needs assessment, the problem was the lack of a health Centre was identified and prioritised by the community people themselves. The solution was also obtained by the building of a health Centre in Kapsuser Ward, Kericho community. Thus according to the result, the lack of health centres is the main problem in this community also the results showed that 96.3% of community people are ready to contribute in kind, labour and finance which is a good sign.

Since health is a right for all, it is recommended that a healthy Centre are constructed at Kapsuser, Kericho County area through community participation but with the assistance of the Faith Ministry International Church, well -Wishers and Charitable organizations. The findings also indicated malaria as the main problem in this area. I suggest that a community-based malaria control program be anchored on the grass -root participation as a community health initiative, with the support of personnel from the National Malaria control program.
Such a malaria control program will increase activities in malaria control, sensitize the local community and avoidance of potential mosquito breeding sites, early detection of symptoms and signs, and standard dosage of SP for malaria episodes or as a Prophylaxis in Pregnant women.

We set up and developed a community health clinic, “Bethesda Medical Clinic “ which not only treats illness but becomes a focus for health promotion and community involvement.
The clinic that offers primary care services usually includes a team approach that facilitates appropriate care for an individual. It has also incorporated some of the latest aspects like the sharing of information among healthcare providers while focusing on promoting health and preventing illness, and other chronic conditions. Moreover, clinic care also forges a new connection and participation among the members of the community.

The project of constructing a Health Centre to provide accessing health services within their locality. The area is faced with the challenge of providing adequate health services. Within Kapsuser Ward there is a large population of 20,543 people that at present time do not have access to health services in their locality.

Only one government clinic is located near this area but it doesn't address all the needs for health services which are rights of the community. To access these services the community people have to travel more than 10km.
The roads in this area are not well-passable thus during the night it is difficult to find transport to access mother and child health services, as a result, many expecting women deliver at home or on the way without being attended by health personnel.

Peter Thompson Yegon,
P.O Box 11,
Kapkatet, Kericho Kenya.

Dear Prospective Donors,
I am writing to propose the establishment of a health care Centre in our village. Our village is located in a rural area, and many people here do not have access to basic healthcare services. As a result, many people suffer from various health problems that go untreated, and their health deteriorates.

We propose that a health care Centre be established in our village to provide essential health care services to the people living here. The Centre will provide primary health care services including general Medical consultation, Minor surgeries, and emergency medical care.
We believe that the establishment of a health care Centre in our village will have a significant impact on the health of the people living here. It will provide them with access to basic healthcare services that they desperately need, and it will improve their quality of life.
We kindly request your support in establishing this Centre. We hope that you will consider our proposal and provide us with the necessary support to make this happen.

Thank you for considering our proposal.
Peter Thompson Yegon
[email redacted]. com

A donation no matter how small will be appreciated. You may use this Go Fund Me to make a donation. If you have any questions you may write me Peter at [email redacted]. com or Les Williams in the USA at [email redacted].

Thank you and God Bless you,
Peter Thompson Yeagon

Pastor Vincent Rono:

I love working with young people. It inspires me to help others grow in their faith, regardless of their age or stage of life. I began my journey in youth ministry as a Bible teacher in my senior year of high school. I wanted to become the best youth minister ever, but soon realized that God already had plans for me.
Now, I'm a senior pastor at my church's local church, Faith Ministry International Church, and like many pastors, I know there is no road map to leading well. I'm the 5th Child in a family of five boys and two girls; I gave my life to Jesus at the Crusade held at my home church, Faith Ministry International Church, at the tender of 16. I served as an assistant pastor one year after my conversion and so began 28 years in full-time pastoral ministry in the Bureti District.

As a pastor, my life has been dedicated to serving God and His People, and I was born and raised in a faith-based family that instilled in me a strong foundation of Christian values and principles. From a young age, I felt a calling to serve in the church, and this calling only grew stronger as I got older.

I am passionate about the church and what Jesus calls us to do through it. Throughout my career, I have been privileged to serve in different capacities, including as a youth pastor, associate Pastor, and senior pastor. My diverse experience has given me a breadth of knowledge in various aspects of ministry, from teaching and preaching to counseling and pastoral. I have a passion for helping people in need, and I focus on creating a welcoming and nurturing environment where individuals can grow in their faith.

I believe in the importance of community, and my goal as a pastor is to foster a sense of belonging among the members of my congregation. Throughout my ministry, I have been blessed to see how the word of God has transformed lives, and I count it an honor to be part of that process. I strive to inspire and challenge my congregation to live out their faith in practical ways that positively impact the world around them. I hope that through my ministry, others will be drawn closer to God and experience His love and grace in their lives.
I married Ann Rono on January 7, 1998, and I am blessed with three children, Joseph, John and Deborah. My philosophy is that one should find his or her purpose in life and understand that this purpose should fit into God's purpose and destiny of one's life. I believe that all things are possible through Christ, that strengthens me. My favorite scripture is 1st Timothy 4:12, which states, "Let no one despise my youth, but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and purity".
I hold a ministerial Diploma in Pastoral ministry, a Bachelor's, and an MA in Theological. Apart from serving in the church, I took up more responsibilities in the community. For instance, I launched outreach programs to assist those in need in the community. I offered support in the form of the following:
•Youth organizations
•Food banks
•Counselling services.
As we already know, healthcare is a concern for everyone, everywhere. When I was a little boy, I lived in a rural area (Kericho). During that time, I, and other children my age lived without school (we would study under the mango tree), electricity, running water, medicine, and insurance, and we ate one meal per day. It is the reality of the Kericho people in remote areas. Health problems are one of the foremost concerns in our community, and we always worry about the difficulty of health care. How will we pay for the ever-increasing cost of medical care and medicine? If we don't have money, an ambulance won't respond to our call, or an emergency room will send us away, regardless of our medical needs.
It is a huge worry that we cannot entrust our health or the health of our children to a doctor that the medication will not be available to help us or our children overcome infection and ease pain. Here is a brief description of common healthcare issues people in our community (Kapsuser) must deal with.
•People don't have money to pay for medical care
•The hospital is far from home, and people do not have enough money for transportation, accommodation, and other services.
•There is no local doctor or helper who can provide care or emergency help when people get sick.
•Most hospitals in Kericho will ask how much money you have before they agree to examine and treat you.
Malnutrition, poor housing, unsanitary environment, insufficient social assistance and lack of education contribute to poor health as much as inadequate health services. This is why present efforts to develop primary health care clinics must address these problems to make any impact.
By assisting us in building a primary care clinic, you are helping us create a first line of defense in health care.
Your donation will make this happen.

Thank you,
Pastor Vincent Rono
Faith Ministry International Church


  • Leslie Williams
    • $300
    • 5 mos
  • Leslie Williams
    • $190
    • 5 mos
  • Leslie Williams
    • $10
    • 10 mos
  • Timothy Coalson
    • $25
    • 11 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $10
    • 1 yr


Leslie Williams
Meridian, MS

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