Cube Foundation Centre
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Assalamualikum brothers, sisters and elders.
■An Update on Cube Foundation’s New Building in Darnall Sheffield:
A year ago today, the cube foundation was successful in winning the bid to purchase the old victory club / pub in Darnall, Sheffield for the purpose of converting it to a Masjid, Dawah and Community center.
Alhamdulillah, since the purchase, we have cleared and gutted out all the building, repaired leaks to the roof, and replaced guttering. We have also had a lot of structural work done to make the building safe and suitable for our needs and have started off the process of Planning with the Council.
■A request for your support:
We are now prioritising getting the entrance and main prayer hall ready and carrying out all the electrical work. This cost is estimated at £8,000. We need 313 brothers and sisters to donate just £25 each to complete the electrics insha Allah.
Please donate generously. Your donation will be a form of sadaqah jariyah for you. Therefore, whilst people benefit from this project, the reward will be continuous, even after you leave this temporary world.
Donations can also be given with the intention of Esaale Swaab for your loved ones who have passed away in this blessed month of Ramadhan.
Donations can be made in cash or by texting / ringing the numbers below or via the link below:
Mohammed Yaseen (Chairman)
Mobile: 07704 928021
Hafidh Riyasat Saleem (Vice Chair)
Mobile: 07970 618706
Murtaza Awan (Secretary General) Mobile: 07703104438
Niaz Shazad (Treasurer)
Mobile: 07515 544704
Syed Iqbal Islam (Trustee)
Mobile: 07853275516
Hafidh Zahid Minhas (Trustee)
Mobile: 07538 280207
Whoever helps build a masjid, Allah (swt) will build them a house in Paradise. (Tirmidhi)

Mohammed Yaseen
Cube Foundation