New parents-to-be lose everything in fire.
Last night my daughter and her husband hurried home from the park where we'd just celebrated her and her twins' bday. They were in a hurry because they were finishing up their nursery in their new apartment where they'd just moved in two days before. Excitedly we all said goodbye and made plans to go see the nursery in the next couple of days because that's what Brianna was most excited to show us. She had set up the crib, a homemade sign for baby Sparrow, and his baby furniture that she painted herself. She had been washing baby clothes and bottles that she'd been gifted at her baby showers.
They are expecting their first child, a baby boy, who we found out in utero has a kidney defect and heart issues that a neonatologist is following him for. My daughter and her husband have been living with his parents while they paid off some school debt and to pay medical bills from this very tough pregnancy. They had just met their goals and were excited about having saved enough to finally get into their apartment, have their own space, and start their little family.
They went to bed at 2 am, exhausted from all the moving and setting up that they had been doing, but couldn't sleep with the excitement of all the things that would be coming as new parents. Matt was telling Brianna a story about bears to help her get sleepy when they heard thumping and running around above their apartment. Matt stepped outside to see what the noise was and a man was running past him screaming "fire, get out!" Matt looked up and saw the apartment right above them in flames, ran inside and grabbed my daughter and their two dogs, and got them out of the apartment as fast as he could. Barefoot, once he got them to safety, he tried to run back into their home to grab his car keys and wallet and his hair and beard caught fire from the embers. Their apartment was engulfed in flames as Brianna watched from outside in tears and in shock. ❤
As a mom, the last thing you want is to be awakened by your children in tears in the middle of the night. My worst nightmare didn't happen and my daughter, g-baby, and son-in-law are thankfully safe and sound. I picked them up with just the clothes on their backs and their two dogs, but with so much gratitude in my heart that they made it out safely. In tears, we drove home and each time Brianna remembered something dear to her that she just lost forever in this tragedy the cries were just a little louder and her husbands' hugs a little tighter.
If you can give just a little, anything would help them and we would all be so grateful for it. They are in need of nursery items, baby clothes, (she is due on July 16th) clothing, and basic furniture items. We are going to do our best to help them get back on their feet again. We thank you in advance for your help, love, and kindness.