Build Unity Christian's New School!
In covenant with Christian families, Unity Christian School teaches students the Truth from a Christ-centered perspective for lives of discipleship.
Unity Christian School thanks you for listening to our story and learning more about this exciting opportunity. The story is one of faithful people, who in their season, walked faithfully for Christ. We encourage you to join us on this journey, with a financial gift, so we can get the “shovel in the ground” and start the next chapter of this journey – building our new school.
A few items in summary:
· All financial gifts are restricted gifts that may only be used to build the new school
· All gifts are fully deductible, as Unity Christian School is a tax exempt, 501(c)3, charitable organization
· 100% of your gift goes to this project! All the processing fees for the GoFundMe page have been absorbed by another party
· Below you will find 2 highlighted links for those of you that want more information:
· The first link is a video titled, “The Power of One: How One Person Can Make a Difference”. It tells the story of three men – Jake, Ike, and Walt – who made a difference for Unity Christian School in their season.
· The second link is the 10 page campaign brochure entitled, “Rise Up and Take Courage”. This brochure contains much more detail for your review – building design, budget information, and much more.
· If you have an interest in giving assets other than cash (stocks, bonds, insurance policies, land, vehicles, real estate, corn or soy beans from your harvest, etc.) you may do so by calling Mr. Dee Willoughby, the Fundraising Chair, at 563-321-8404 or emailing him at [email redacted].com. He will gladly help you facilitate this transaction.
· There is also an option to make a three year pledge and Dee will work with you, if this is your wish.
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give that to receive.” Acts 20:35 (NIV)
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)