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New Shoes for the New Year!

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In honor of Rashi Minkowicz obm birthday I thought of something that we can do...It involves Shoes, new shoes for children in our community (Crown Heights) so that they can start off the school year in something new! It is done discreetly and with dignity. They can get fitted and measured in a store in Brooklyn where they can buy the shoe of their choice. Anyone who will like to participate can join! Your donation of $40 will buy a new pair of shoes for a young girl or boy! $200 will buy new shoes for a family of five! By donating $400 we can help 10 children (many of them orphans of our community) start the school year with new shoes on their feet! I know how excited Rashi was about ordering new shoes for her kids and I hope we can make her proud!


  • Rochie Smetana
    • $50
    • 4 yrs


Rochie Orimland
Brooklyn, NY

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