New Year’s Run For Endangered Lawyers, Run For Human Rights
Donation protected
AIJA has always been at the forefront of creating awareness for human rights. Connected to this AIJA is part of a coalition for the “Day of the Endangered Lawyer”. The Day of the Endangered Lawyer takes place on 24 January of each year. During this Day the members of the coalition ask attention for the situation of lawyers who are endangered for doing their work.
In 2025, the Day focusses on the situation of lawyers in Belarus.
In the tradition of our Human Right run during the AIJA Half-Year Conference and Annual Congress we invite all AIJA Members, lawyers, non-lawyers to join us in a sportive challenge in the week leading up to the Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2025!
When & What? Run/Bike/Swim/Hike/… in the week of 13th of January until 18th of January (ahead of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer on 24 January 2025)
Why? To draw attention to the Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2025, the activities of the coalition and the report that will be published about the situation of Endangered Lawyers in Belarus.
Share! Share your activity on Linkedin and use hashtags #aija4HumanRights #doel25 #DayoftheEndangeredLawyer and tag AIJA
Support! Donate a small or big amount for “Lawyers for Lawyers (l4l)” on the dedicated Go Fund Me Page that AIJA has created. Ask your colleagues, friends and family to donate too.
About the cause Lawyers for Lawyers (l4l)
Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) is an independent, non-political and not-for-profit lawyers’ organisation established in 1986. Our mission is to promote the independent functioning of the legal profession worldwide in accordance with internationally recognised norms and standards. We do this by supporting lawyers who are at risk as a result of discharging their professional duties. Lawyers for Lawyers was granted special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council in July 2013.
Always independent: by lawyers, for lawyers. Website
AIJA International Association of Young Lawyers
Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, BRU