Newborn Carter Jude Leblanc Medical Expenses
Donation protected
Hi my name is Kelly Sonnier and I am helping this precious baby boy and his parents defray current and future medical cost.
- Carter Jude LeBlanc was born to Jaron Leblanc and Jordan Castille on 04/12/22 weighing 7lbs 2oz. He is the grandson of Roderick (Rod) and Tammy (Forestier) LeBlanc and Cynthia Castille.
- Carter Jude was born via emergency C-section when his heart stopped beating. Resuscitation efforts were performed and Carter appeared to be doing great at first. Soon after he began having seizures and was administered anti-seizure medication. On April 20, doctors determined that Carter needed to be flown to Children’s Hospital in New Orleans. Carters parents, Jaron and Jordan followed by car rushing to New Orleans to meet their baby. They have been there with Carter in the NIC unit. They have stayed with family and friends in surrounding areas to not have to travel multiple times daily to in from New Orleans.
- Jaron is now having to return to work as a full-time firefighter in Scott, as well as, part-time fire fighter in Carencro. He commutes back-and-forth to New Orleans in between shifts. Jaron and Jordan will be meeting with neurologist to get a better idea in the next couple of days as to what the future will hold.
In addition to huge medical bills, these young parents are now having to purchase meals every day and pay for gas to travel back and forth from Scott and Carencro to New Orleans in order to continue paying their every day bills as well.
After speaking with Jaron this evening, my husband (Chad) and I felt there was no better way for them to get the help they desperately need in order to focus their attention on their newborn baby.
Jaron began his firefighter career as a volunteer, risking his life and spending his free time in order to protect citizens in the Scott and surrounding communities. I am asking for people to donate what they can to help Carter Jude Leblanc and his parents during their time of need.
As always, the parents welcome prayers as well.
Co-organizers (3)
Kelly Sonnier
Scott, LA
Jaron LeBlanc
Jordan Castille
Team member