Newtownshandrum CC Bake off for Women’s Aid
Hi All,
Our camogie team are swapping their Hurley’s and helmets this week for baking bowls and wooden spoons, as we have decided to do a bake-off fundraiser for our chosen charity “Women’s Aid”.
One in five women in Ireland are affected by domestic violence. Women’s aid hear from women every day who are living in fear of their boyfriends, husbands and partners.
Women’s aid offer free, confidential support and information. They listen to you and talk to you about your situation. They won’t judge you or tell you what to do. They won’t tell anyone you’ve been in touch with them. They can discuss your options and help you plan your safety. They can support you by sitting down with you to you explore the various options available to you.
For anybody that’s need to talk to one of their Helpline workers call- 1800 341 900. The Helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Any donation to this cause would be greatly appreciated !!
Also keep your eyes peeled on the girl’s Instagram accounts during the week to get your votes in also too ok crown the winning baker!