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Our Puppy Copper Broke His Leg Fund

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         In the playful prime of his puppyhood, our precious mini Australian Shepard puppy Copernicus (Copper) took quite a fall off a 10 foot balcony! Sadly, his poor little femur bone broke right off and got stuck in his hip.
        The recommended surgery for this injury WAS estimated at $3,000-4,000, but we've discovered that our local surgeon will perform the surgery for about $1,100 plus the veterinary clinics bills! This is a (relatively) much more realistic expense, but we are still having trouble coming up with funds. He's still young and growing, so we are optimistic that he could make a full recovery! 
SO, we are making an inspirited call to our fellow humans for any financial help you can offer, so that Copper can still live the fullest and happiest life that we can give him. Any, literally ANY CONTRIBUTION will be met with all the gratitude in our capacity, and WE WILL TRY TO MAKE A SPECIAL VISIT TO YOU WITH COPPER SO HE CAN LICK YOUR FACE IN THANKS!!! Thank you so so so much for your sympathy in this unfortunate situation. Feel good about helping your fellow living creatures in need.


  • heather white
    • $250
    • 10 yrs


Belinda Hall
Bellingham, WA

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