Afghan Feminist Refugee Fund
How the money be distributed:
The funds will be used to help keep Afghans safe, warm, and housed during the winter months until evacuations can resume.
The current situation:
We have filed 21 requests for humanitarian parole with the funds raised and we have 23 pending completion. The priorities now have changed.
With the winter in Afghanistan and countries have stopped taking Afghans, we need to focus our funding on keeping people warm, safe, and fed. We are coordinating with two on-the-ground teams to coordinate food, medical supplies, blankets, and safe housing. The money we are raising is to help about 470 at-risk Afghans.
Who are we:
We are a group of feminists around the world to help those in Afghanistan left behind after the U.S. pulled out on August 31, 2021. We are helping people who are at risk- feminists, journalists, members of legal community, activists, and the LGBTQ community.
This group has worked on obtaining visas to safe third countries, evacuations, coordinating housing, and sponsors. We are collaborating with people who are on the ground in Afghanistan to be able to get necessities and supplies to Afghans.
What is happening in Afghanistan:
After the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan, the Taliban have taken over and the situation is dire. We receive countless requests every day from Afghan pleading for our help to get them out. We have heard stories of the atrocities committed every day by the Taliban. People are being killed, tortured, shot, harassed, and have lost any freedoms they had prior to the Taliban take-over. The Taliban has severely restricted the rights of women .
Taliban Executed Scores of Afghan security force members
Taliban ban women in TV dramas
Activist Frozan Safi shot dead
Four Women Killed in Mazar i Sharif
13 Hazara killed
Former police women killed
Some of the people we are helping:
-a gay man who was taken by the Taliban, beaten and tortured -- they poured boiling water on him
-a woman engineer whose ex-husband is Taliban who beat her nearly to death and is hunting her down
-a female doctor who was shot by the Taliban
-a woman who was gang-raped and is facing an honor killing
There are so many other stories like these that we hear about every day.
The situation is changing constantly. Initially, we were able to have people evacuated to other countries like Germany, Spain, Qatar, Albania, the UK, and the UAE, but now all of the countries have stopped allowing these evacuations and there is no hope of any countries allowing additional Afghan refugees to enter their countries to apply for asylum or to wait there to apply for a visa to a third country. That leaves Afghans stranded facing economic collapse , food instability, lack of electricity, lack of safe housing, lack of access to medical supplies or care. There are reports of family selling their children in order to buy food. Please help us support Afghans.